
Food on your wall

As much fun as it would be to talk about a food fight or things sticking to the wall... that's not what this is about.  If that's what you were hoping for you can surf away now (hope you aren't actually going to though).

I mean to talk about paint.  Paint can make you happy... as the color infuses your brain and instills a certain emotion.. like energetic or calm or love!

So, you may know by now that I bought a house.  Which means for nearly the first time in my life (military brat checking in!) I get to paint my walls any color I want.  Well.  Almost any color.  Mr. Happy has asked for a vote in the majority of rooms and we decided for a very neutral palette and to use bold colors in our accessories.  (I think bold colors scare him a bit.)  That said, he did give me free rein over one room.  One.

I've turned a bedroom into a craft room.  Think painting, quilting, sewing, knitting, origami, clay, and any other crafts I can get in my hands heaven.  Well... I have taken literally months to figure out what color I wanted and now I have finally gotten it on the wall.  

I started off saying I wanted a burnt orange room (being a huge longhorns fan; come on you TX fans!!).  I then went to greens and started toying with the idea of a washed sage color.  I contemplated  a reddish clay color and chickened out.  And landed really close to where I started.

I wanted something that was invigorating and calming.  Mr. Happy called those opposites, but I'm one of those strange people who recharges by getting around people.  Put me in a room on my own and I'm lonely.  So... without drawing it out too much longer... I choose Belgian Waffle.  Get it? Food on my walls?

I am doing two walls in that intense tan-ish orange-ish Belgian color.  And two walls in Summertime Sandcastle.  All with a white ceiling.  I'm liking how it's coming out.  The color instantly makes me smile and want to snuggle into the room.  I should finish it this week and have my own craft den in no time flat!  

See the happy in this color?

And this Summertime Sandcastle not only gets an A+ for it's name, but it also makes me smile!

Here is how the three colors look together in bad lighting, late at night.  I need to get some snaps in sun or at least day light to give you a better idea of the actual colors.  But, even in the dark mysterious weeknight lighting.. it looks good ... don't it!! ;)  I think the fish approve.  Matches their orange rock decor!

Finding the perfect color to invoke the perfect mood = happiness!

Painting what seems like a scary bright orange on the walls... and coming back in the morning to find out it's perfect = happiness!

Oh.. one last thought.  I have always said that I'd like my retirement job to be a Color Namer (or forest ranger, but that's a different story for another time).  Color Namer... you know the person who picks the name of crayon, leather, or paint colors.  Mrs. Happy... Color Namer Extraordinaire!  Tres fantastic!!!

What color do you think "Happy Goose" would be?  I so want to name a color Happy Goose!!  I'm thinking it's a golden tan color with highlights of white and dog drool!

(You know I couldn't go without a dog snap.  She's my shadow and always checking out what I'm up to!)


  1. Belgian Waffle looks almost exactly like the color of the walls in my living room. It is a happy color. It looks sunny, even if the sun does not shine, which is oftern the case here in Belgium!

  2. Pretty neat that you have the same color! See we are twins!

  3. Good choices and all three look great together. I really like that Belgian Waffle. I'm getting ready to repaint our home office. It is presently an awful shade of pea green soup that was here when we bought the house. Even with two windows, the room is too dark. BW (or lighter) seems like a better choice to me.

    Glad you liked my horse snow angels! =D


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