
Winter colors

I don't know about you.. but when I think of winter color I shriek in terror.

Winter doesn't have amazing, inspiring, vivid colors?  It a dullsville palette of white, gray, brown, mud, and did I mention gray?

Well, I am trying to push past this thinking... open my eyes and see if that really holds true. 
Have you noticed that on a sunny winter day the sky tends to have the most amazing saturated blues?

Mr. Happy took Katie and I on a mini hike over the weekend and I was amazed at how much color I found.  The color all seemed so intense, so powerful, so energized. 

Just look at this delishious emerald moss!!

How about the orange peel colored fungi on the tree? Intense!

The other side of the fallen branch had a minty pastel fungi.  Delicate!

I couldn't get over the textures on this branch.  Looks a lot like a coral garden that you would find in a warm carribean sea!  Spongy and golden interlocked those beautiful cream tables.

Here you can see the creme tables even have a splash of lime on them!

I'm not sure what it is about colors right now.  Maybe I am feeling so color deprived that even the tiniest bit of color is coming across so intensly.  I feel like I am trying to suck up every color memory I can right now as I dream of spring flowers and leaves.

It also may be that I am about to create new art work for the next art show and I am simply looking for inspiration. 

Either way... look around and really take notice of the beautiful winter colors that surround you!

Finding intense gorgeous colors in the sea of winter gray's = happiness!


  1. wow amazing!! have a great weekend!!

  2. It's there alright, but it takes a positive mind to see it!

  3. @Iva, I had a nice weekend thanks!! Hope you did too!

    @Jientje, I'm always looking to stay in that positive mind set!


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