
It's Great!

Snow has been the focus of my world lately.  Moving snow, driving in snow, fearing snow, getting days off because of snow, and wishing there would be no more snow.

With that in mind... let's do a why snow is great countdown.  

Here is the Top 5 Things that Make Snow Amazing!

5. Snow on the ground means you always have something to throw for the dog (snowball).

4. Snow means a certain chill in the air which is the perfect excuse for a snuggle with a loved one.  Even the slobbery kind!

3. Snow makes for some great slipping and sledding.  Whether you snowboard, ski, tube, or sled on it... they are all a blast! 

2. It's really really beautiful when you have a moment to stop and take it all in.  That serene blanket of white covering every in-perfection, every ugliness.  It really makes the world seem more quiet, simple and peaceful!

1. Snow is temporary.  I live in a place where it will eventually go away.  Spring is around the corner.

How does snow make you happy?


  1. By going away!! I want Spring now, I think I have enough snow pictures for now!

  2. @ Jientje, I feel the same way! We got another 7 inches yesterday and it's deep enough that Katie has to hop through the yard... I'm ready for spring!

  3. I love that you are taking a positive attitude toward the snow! Let me know if you end up reading The Happiness Project by the way. Would love to hear your thoughts.

  4. Mom loves snow...she muttered something about "snow is better than mud season"???
    Tail wags and happy snow days,

  5. @ Analiese Marie, I will let you know when I read The Happiness Project. I think I am going to pick up a copy today.

    @ Moose, snow is way better than mud, but I am ready for spring flowers to start popping up!


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