
Paper my Valentine

I had a bit of fun with Valentines day.  You see Mr. Happy and I don't really celebrate v-day.  It's a bit too commercial.  It's a bit too forced.  And I would rather we celebrate any 'ole day that we are feeling crazy in love.

That said, I did decide to spoil a few ladies in my life by telling them I love them with a bouquet of flowers.  BUT... not the kind of flowers that will die.

Paper flowers!

You see, I lived in Japan for 3 years and picked up a terrible creative habit of doing origami.  It's not really a terrible habit, but it sort of is.  You see when I have a few moments at work or find myself between meetings with only minutes to spare you can usually assume I am doing some origami. 

It got to the point where I had a drawer full of tiny little paper animals, letters, flowers, ships, and planes.  I had to cull through them a little bit and I decided to decorate with some of my favorites and let the other ones move on (tossed them... I have so much trouble throwing things out).

Back to the paper flowers.  This time I made tulips.  I didn't have a lot of origami paper on hand and I wanted to be a bit 'o green... so I thought magazine pages would make the cutest flowers.  The pages have fun colors... they are glossy... and they are thin enough that they are easy to work with. 

Here is the result!  I had a very hard time giving these away, as I didn't make a bouquet for myself, but I know I will be able to visit them in the very near future if I need a fix!

Aren't these just amazing!!  Look how colorful they are!!

Then I wrapped them up for gifting!

What's the latest thing that you did for someone else?

Doing something sweet for someone else = happiness!


  1. this is probably the best thing i've ever seen!!! HOW INCREDIBLE!???!
    i seriously can't believe how completely adorable these are! lucky friends!!

  2. these are amazing! and thank you so much for your donation! Would you please email me with your mailing address?


  3. I love this! You can make art out of anything!

  4. they're lovely! I wouldn't might getting these. I like origami but isn't very good at it

  5. ps, thanks for visiting my blog, sorry I haven't left comments much here, not very good at keeping up commenting, anyway, I appreciated you for dropping by


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