
Down by the lake

The light is lingering just a tiny bit longer these nights, which means I am able to sneak in a dog walk before it's too dark.  In NY, we do have the time switch coming up which means we will really have daylight for a walk starting next week!  (I am still mourning my lost hour from the whole spring back thing, but I'm excited for more daylight in the evening!)

What I'm getting at is that this week is the first week (in awhile) that Katie and I could head down to the lake near the house to see if we could catch the sunset.  We were a tiny bit late, but it was still gorgeous!

I have always had a thing for silhouetted tree's and this snap captures some beautiful ones!  It looks so serene and peaceful doesn't it? 
In this one, you start to get a better feel of the ice loosing it's grip on the lake. 

I think Katie was very happy to be down by the water sniffing around!  Ha! And check out her "get the camera outta my face" attitude in the second one.  She has so many expressions any more!

This lake was one of the things that really pushed me over the edge to buy our house.  I never dreamed I would be within walking distance to something so beautiful!

I can already see so many memories in the making: fishing, swimming, laying at the beach, going to the dog beach for Katie to swim, reserving the beach for a summer party, grilling, mingling with neighbors, and we can put a small boat in the lake! 
On the shore their was a flag flapping in the wind that caught Katie's attention.  It's faded, and a bit torn, but bubbled up so much pride for me. 

You see I'm a military brat (child of parents who were in the military), so I still get hit with that emotion from random things.  You should see me tear up at a football game after seeing the color guard salute or a fly over.

I also thought these photo's would make a nice contribution of Midweek Blues which is hosted by Rebbeca at The Dusty Cellar.  These aren't the bright cheery blues I ususally think of.  These are more moody, deep, and thoughtful.

Anyone can play along, link your post of any interpretation of blues: colors, moods, music, poetry...be as creative as you like!


  1. Woof! Woof! Happy Wednesday to you. Great photos of the lake. I am looking forward this weekend ... when we change time. YES! more daylight. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. these are beautiful
    I have a thing for silhouetted trees too

    Katie is gorgeous, what a sweet beautiful face

  3. That's something that struck me when I visited the States,everywhere you look there are flags. The only Belgian flags you see around here are at official buildings. On our National Day there are a few more, but still...

  4. @SGR, whoop whoop to more daylight!
    @Dianne, glad you enjoyed the trees too! And thank you for loving on Katie!
    @Jientje, it's interesting to hear about flags everywhere in the US. I think it's something we take for granted.
    @Iva, thank you doll!

  5. Thanks for playing! I love this post. It is serene and peaceful. Plus I love that sunset time of day and to be by a lake at sunset, well that is even better!

  6. that lake is gorgeous I am quite jealous that its in walking distance of you haha & how cute is katie! your pics are great I love the second one!


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