
Valentine Gifties

I haven't shared the adorable gifts I got for Valentines Day yet.  That seems like it was ages ago already, doesn't it?  Valentines Day?  Sort of a fun to surprise to photo them now and take a closer look at how they are so cute!  Well, here they are.  

I have been striving for a plant in every room of the new house (bathrooms included), so I was tickled when I saw this.

Best parts?  It's green.  It looks like mini umbrella's.  And, it has the most adorable bow! 

Oh, that was the other part... the planter is yellow!  That wonderful cheery color that is a natural pick me up in the winter months!  

It has found a home on my kitchen table for the time being.  It's a cheery reminder of spring every time we sit down to dine!

I also got a jar with some rather yummy mix in it.  
Again, it's adorable.  The bow.  The stamp on the attached card.  And I have a real spot in my heart for mason jars!!
What's in it you ask?  Yup, beignet mix.  I have heard so many good things about beignet's!  They are puffy, they are French, they are decadent!

I'm looking forward to a nice quiet weekend morning to give these a try!


  1. Love the plant! I was just thinking yesterday that all of mine need to be repotted....come warm spring weather and that will be a nice project! :)

  2. these are such great gifts I love the ribbon! and you wanting to have a plant in every room thats amazing! I love having fresh flowers and such but I always forget to water them

  3. That plant can become huge, did you know that? I'm sure it will thrive in your kitchen! I'm looking forward to see the post about baking beignets, my mouth is watering already!


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