
Clearing the Mind

Good morning!  Hope you had a nice weekend (I did too; thanks for asking!). 

I have artwork to share with you today!

There is something wonderful about how art clears my mind.  For that short period I am creating I am taken away to another place and allowed to focus solely on letting emotions out on to paper in whatever form they take.

I never really know what I am going to get.  Sometimes it's just a random page filled with nonsense doodles.  Sometimes it's a clever idea that I just can't wrap any details around.  Sometimes (like the one I am sharing today) everything just works out and I'm proud and clear minded at the end.

My inspiration was the Pure Imagination theme from Mr. Toasts Creative Tuesday's.
Starting with such an open topic was exciting and mind numbing at the sametime.  What to do?  The only thing I knew was that I wanted something with a giraffe. 

You see this time last year Mr. Happy and I went to the zoo.  Spring, in my opinion, is the best time to go since you get the first look at all the little babies!!  Last year we got to see a baby giraffe and it was most certainly the highlight of the trip!  You can see a snap I took of the baby here.

After sketching I inked and erased the pencil.  You can really start to see this taking on some life!

And here you are. This is "Animal Tea Party"

Looking at it now, it's a little bit Dr. Seuss meets kiddo book art meets funky colors meets Charlottes Web.  So fun! 

I don't have a lot of experience with color pencils, but I adore how they gave the animals and tea cups saturated colors that really pop!  I can't wait to experiment with inking and color pencils in a future doodle!

A closer look at the cutie patutie giraffe I've named George (said with French accent). And I included a little surprise... do you see it?  Do you?

Want to see other artists interpretation of Pure Imagination?  Just head over to Hot Toast and Jam for a looksie!  And for pete's sake... if you are on the fence about joining in?  Do it!  Seriously, your brain will thank you!

Hint:  The surprise included may be in the form of an oddly shaped giraffe spot!!  Don't you love surprises?


  1. the surprise - is it the spider? very cute drawing & I like your use of colors

  2. Hi Happy, thanks for stopping by. Don't you just love this project? I think the surprise is the cuppa in the giraffe. Great job. I cannot draw a lick, I love to paint, but this project has inspired me to try a lot of mediums. I think I will do a piece of fabric art if the next theme is applicable. Blessings

  3. Oh, hahahhahha. I absolutely love it. this is so adorable. Love the idea here and hey nice doodle too. I am so glad you joined in. And yes, I got the surprise too. Hee. Thank you so much. OK, adding it now. Great job. Can;t wait t see what you do next time as you explore your own creativity!

  4. BTW, i did want to say I love what you added here about working on this piece and your anticipation etc. so true and illuminating about you too.

  5. Thank you for the visits!

    QMM, I really do love this project! And yes, the cuppa. Too fun! I can't wait to see your fabric art!

    Mmm, thank you! No really.. thank you! Thank you for hosting such a fun event. It's really a nice gentle push reminding me to enjoy something I enjoy. Sounds silly doesn't it? Can't wait to find out what the next theme is!!

  6. I can see that you had a lot of fun with this one Christie, and I think I do see the surprise! It goes well with your theme. And of course, it's a 'happy' drawing. Love it.

  7. This is so fun! Animals having tea...what a great imagination. I do see the cup on George. I also like that he is french...tres clever : )

  8. How very cute! You are a talent! I think I see the surprise...it's in the spots, right?

  9. That is some fun Tea Party..Love the hidden cup on "Jorge";)...The tea cup balancing act on his nose is cute, too...

    Love this!

  10. This doodle was so very fun! As it emerged on the paper I couldn't contain myself. I must have laughed the whole time! And yes the surprise is the tea cup or cuppa spot on Jorge (love that spelling!) Glad you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!


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