
Hey Coach!

I feel like my journey is taking a twist.  [hang tight for a second while I give you some of the details]

I started this blog a little over a year ago with feelings of being lost.  Feelings of not knowing what to do next with my life.  Feelings that I wasn't doing all I could do.  I have felt stalled.

I'm mostly guilty for bringing this on myself.  I allowed myself to reach all the goals I had set.  And I didn't continue to dream big and come up with the next things I wanted to accomplish.  I haven't challenged or pushed myself.

This twist I am talking about. 

I feel the stall lifting.  I feel my motivation rushing back!
I even think that I am beginning to recognize signs of how to move forward again.  I still have no clue what's next or where I'm headed, but feeling things back in motion is such a relief! 

I happened across a life coach site in my blog readings the other day.  It reminded me that at one point in my life I wanted to be a life coach.  I really like to help people.  I have been told a million times that I am a nurturer.  I enjoy helping people find success -- in whatever form it takes for them.

Well, the site gave me this homework assignment and it has proved really good food for thought.  Here is what I am supposed to do

"Write down all the reasons you are perfect for this profession. List your skills and abilities. Give yourself credit. Acknowledge your greatness."

It's that last part that really tickles me!  "Acknowledge your greatness."  I think we could all use a little bit of that!

It honestly seems like a great exercise no matter where you are in your journey.  I am going to work on it this week and try and come back with my results.  
The twists are exciting, I mean what roller coaster would be complete without them, right?

p.s. I'm not sure what the flowers have to do with this, but those are certainly little things that have made me smile lately.  Happiness and reaching your goals must somehow be related... that or I'm just really tired!


  1. oh wow thats awesome!
    twists are what make life exciting!!

    and those flowers are GORGEOUS!

  2. Aknowledge your greatness. Hmmm, that's sometimes hard for me to do too!

    I can almost smell your flowers!


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