
Quick Rest

A quick dusk flower shoot always puts a smile on my face.

The flowers were starting to tuck themselves in for the night and I couldn't resist a quick garden stroll.  It's so easy to adore how their colors really stand out against the on coming darkness!

I have also noticed that with my point-and-click I get a little graininess or texture in my photos with the fading light.  Makes them look a bit nostalgic, right?

This is the last of the daffodils or daffies that are hanging around.  Cracks me up to see how this ant snuck into the shot!
These are the cutest little bell like flowers.  I don't know their name and they were certainly one of the fun surprises I got as things have started to come up.

I still don't know the flowers from the weeds in my new garden, but I am enjoying watching as things bloom and turn into beauties like this!

Do you know what these are called?
These are african daisies.  A gift from a certain special Mr. Happy.  They have added so much color, plus I like seeing them all folded up almost as much as I like seeing them reach for the sun.

I am going to enjoy seeing how these do over the next few weeks!
And this lady in red is the last of the tulips.

I really enjoyed the tulips this year!  The garden was filled with so many colors and varieties.  I also enjoyed how they were staggered.  I planted some early and some mid spring tulips to make the show last longer and it really worked!

I am going to miss these beauties, but I know we will meet again next spring.
Hope your weekend was filled with beauty and rest!

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths, or the turning inwards in prayer for five short minutes." - Etty Hillesum


  1. Well, this has been a lovely end to my packed weekend. Thank you. Not sure what kind of bell flower those are but aren't they wonderful? :)

  2. Nothing like a little stroll ,in the garden before the day ends.

  3. @Cynthia, glad you enjoyed it!
    @Mmm, packed weekends can be fun, but also nice to slow down a bit too! And those bells are too cool!
    @Jientje, you are so right. A stroll in the garden always does it for me!


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