
Feeling so loved!

My birthday was Friday.  I turned old.  But, had a blast!  And even more important... I feel so loved!

Here are some of the highlights:

Check out these delicious cuppies!! Cocoa Cuppies with Fresh Strawberry Buttercream  *drool*

We said good bye to our intern with style!

Mr. Happy and I went on a great big hike (at night) to see the meteor shower -- and the weather was perfect for it!

I got birthday wishes with dogs!!  Thanks Liz!

Thanks Joan!  I warn you... this song will be stuck in your head...  more of the cute goldies Augie and Ti here.

Hope your weekend was amazing and hope you're feeling loved too!


  1. Those cupcakes look yummy! Best wishes to you!!!

  2. Awwwww....Happy belated Birthday, Christie! Old eh? Hmmm... Well, those cuppies, as you so endearingly call them , do look quite delicious, must say. :)

  3. happy birthday! You are NOT old! ha.

  4. MY birthday was Friday too. Lucky us, right?!

  5. Happy belated Birthday Christie and many happy returns of the day! Those cupcakes make me hungry, it's almost lunchtime where I am!


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