
It's Hard to Believe...

... I have left this space blank for so many days.
... the amount of rain we have gotten in NY over the last five days.
... that my little brother is another year older (and not really so little any more).
... that I absolutely can't put down the book I'm reading.  I highly recommend "Three Cups of Tea"
... that Mr. Happy and I managed to hike for four days in a row with Katie before the rain settled in.
... I have a three day weekend coming up.
... August is nearly over and I'm not ready for summer to end.
... that my tomatoes are growing very big, but not turning red yet.
... that we had turkey vultures in the yard again -- eww!
... the fortune I got from a fortune cookie fit me perfectly!
... I might paint a chair to be auctioned off for charity.

Yes, happy things have been happening.  I'm hoping to sit down this weekend and take the time to share a few of them!

I was looking through archived pictures and came across these which made me laugh and smile all over again!  (Of course they are of Katie-bug)

Happy almost Friday to you and wishing you the most amazing weekend!


  1. Woof! Woof! Yes Indeed ... It's hard to believe ... Such a Golden Thing Sniffing to the max. We are looking forward for Fall ... it's our favorite time of the year but not Winter. Wishing you Lots of Golden Happiness. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Thanks for stopping by my Mr. Toast gift package post. Wow, it was an amazing gift box. Loving everything. Love your pictures of Katie-bug smelling the flowers and her dirty nose. Too cute.

    By the way I really enjoyed reading your list, and I just finished reading a series of books and looking for something to read. Tell me about Three Cups of Tea...would it be a book I would like?????
    Have a great day... I hope you will enter a drawing on the theme "Hair" for Mr. Toast.

  3. Katie is adorable, as always. Loved reading your list, and I feel the same thing about the month of August and Summer. I don't want it to end either!


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