
Greenhouse or Glasshouse

The place we vacationed is also very well known for their gardens and greenhouse.  I couldn't resist!  We started off early one morning to give ourselves a tour of both and I was overwhelmed with smiles!

As we approached the garden, we were greeted with this round stone hut.  So much fun to check it out and sit in it!

For October in NY, they had a TON of flowers blooming.  This bright purple was one of my favorites!

In this picture you can see their homemade fence, artistically made from tree limbs in different geometric patterns.  Yes, I put this on my list of Honey Please Make For Me. 

They were so creative and natural... LOVE!

You can also see the edge of the bush maze that we ran around in!

Another of the fences -- and gorgeous mountains behind it!

I really think if we made one or a few of these, I could use them to dress up the fence for my vegetable garden and the front of the house.

There were a lot more gardens that I managed not to photograph, but enjoyed anyway.  And you better believe I stopped to smell nearly every rose!

The next stop was the greenhouse.  And in this case it was really like 3 or 4 greenhouses.  Seriously, it was so warm and yummy smelling in here... I told Mr. Happy he could just leave me here for the day and pick me up later.

There were plants of all shapes, sizes, and stages of growth.  I had so much fun looking around trying to name things and learn about new plants!

Check out the spotted leaves on this one!

Everything was so beautiful... all the way down to the orchids and sculptures.

These made such a brilliant impact all lemony and cheery.  Would make any day brighter!

These looked like something I could replicate in origami.  By this point I was truly salivating at the idea of putting up a greenhouse at home and enjoying blooms all year round.

Ah, the succulent section.  This represents the majority of the types of house plants I manage to keep alive.  I see some fun new ones I'd like to try.

Look how big this guy was!  Not sure I could trust the dog with a cactus, but it surely reminds me of Texas and reminds me how much I long to be in the desert.

At the end of the greenhouse (or beginning depending on which way you went) was a cute little shop where these gourd birdhouses really caught my attention and reminded me that I would like to put up a few birdhouses of my own.

Flowers and blooms certainly cheer up my Midweek Blues.  Won't you check out other cures or join us here.  Midweek Blues is hosted by Rebecca at The Dusty Cellar.


  1. I enjoyed the garden tour very much! I especially like the bright purple also. And I love your three things to be happy for!

  2. Love to look at flowers plants, and yes funky fences too (I couldn't get my hubby to make that metal fence for me!!) - thanks for sharing -BTW where is this place you showed us?

  3. Thanks for your nice comments about my quilt! Your blog is gorgeous - great photos - and I'm looking forward to reading more. Thanks for finding me so I could find you. :)

  4. Oooh...that looks like fun!

    That purple flower is salvia...lovey and really easy to grow!

  5. what a beautiful place!! looks a lot like Deep Cut Gardens here in NJ - some of the flowers are still in bloom here too

    love all your photos :)

  6. LOVE places like this. Makes me think of Chanticleer Gardens out my way - they are whimsical too. I love the hut.

  7. @Dina, glad you enjoyed them!
    @Carol, I update my 3 things everyday… great way to ground myself each morning!
    @Jeanette, I love the funky fences!! This is one of the gardens at the Mohonk House in New Paltz, NY
    @Cecily, you’re welcome! Really loved your quilt!
    @Betsy, Salvia! That sounds so familiar! I will have to look into adding that to my garden next spring.
    @Dianne, Deep Cut sounds fantastic, I’ll have to check it out!
    @Rebecca, me too! I could look at gardens all day long!

  8. Great pics and I love visiting gardens too. I would love to have a gourd birdhouse!

  9. I just want to go and sit in that little round hut. For a long spell. Gorgeous.


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