
Happy Moment #3: Chief Leaf

Happiness is all about "moments"  Don't you agree?

Here is my new Friday game which highlights these Happy Moments!!  I know you want to give this a go this week, don't you?  Humor me?
Here's how it works.  I post a picture of a happy moment, you give it a serious, funny, thoughtful, unique or bananas caption!!

Then take a button for playing! 

Ready?  Go!

Happy Moment #3 Chief Leaf

p.s. Oh, and I am looking for a winning caption... might be a little something happy to send to the winner if we can get five players.  Don't you feel like you are at the carnival?  We just need one more player over here... one more.. and then you all get to play for the big stuffed animal.  But, really.  I'm talking happy stuff here.  Come one... come all!!  Winner (if we get enough players) to be announced on Monday!

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
~Omar Khayyam


  1. Fabulous idea! But I do so love your caption...Chief Leaf...too cute. xo

  2. Ok, so no one likes this game. Maybe I will just keep doing the captioning.

    @Heather, thank you!!


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