
New Life for an Old Treasure

This footstool was a housewarming gift from my Mom when I first moved out on my own.  I have had it all this time and always found a nice spot for it in each place I have lived. 

Now that I have my house... I thought it was time to breath new life into this treasure.


This adorable fabric really had matched a lot of my places and decor. 

Light, airy, and worn by cat scratches (yes, at one point I had cats)

One of my favorite things about this little footstool is that the top opens up to a little hiding nook. 

I have always kept little treasures stashed away in there!  It now holds my color pencils, crayons, and crochet hooks!

I took the wee little hinges off the top and started to remove the fabric staple by staple.


Once I had the old fabric off it was just a matter of deciding in what orientation I wanted to use the new pattern and then cutting the new fabric to size.

Here it is ready for stapling!


And voila!  It's like a new little piece of art.  And it really fits the more modern and playful look I have going in my art spot!

Here's a peak at that nook!

Fancy crayons, sketching pencils, art books, web-cam, and I store crochet hooks in that re-used Japanese gummy tube (such a green re-use and it still smells like strawberries!!!)

I will still do something with that empty piece of wood underneath.  I'm thinking of painting something, but not sure what yet.

Do you have an old piece you treasure that could use a little new life infused in it?

This pop of color and my blue pencil and crayon case are serving as my Midweek Blues entry hosted by Rebbeca over at The Dusty Cellar

I hope you will check out other cures for the Midweek Blues there!

I have also linked this post to Fabric Tuesday hosted by Fresh Poppy Design over at Quiltstory (my new found favorite blog as I dust off my quilting juices!) 

Also, be sure to look at what others are creating with fabrics!


  1. Your stool came out very cute! I love that it opens up to a cache of craft supplies! You mentioned painting the wood, or you could cover it with a contrasting fabric.

  2. It looks real neat, Christie!
    I like your supplies. The Gummy Choco candies are about all that I would know what do with. :)

    Yes, I have a pair of blue golfing shorts that need to have some iron-on patches put on so I can wear them to places again.

  3. @JanetK, thank you I love the nook too! And yes, a contrasting fabric... I'll need to dig in my stash and see what I have!
    @Jim, you crack me up! But seriously those chocolate gummy candies rock my world!!

  4. That's the first thing I saw -oh, she's storing candies!! But no:) Delightful post, Christy!

  5. I could use a makeover!! LOL

    first of all I love that you have always kept that stool and treated it was so much love
    and your revival of it is beautiful!! wonderful bright color

    I think painting something inside is a great idea
    maybe your mom's initials intertwined with yours
    or all the dates of each time the stool has moved

    I know I'm going on and on but it's such a throw away society and this really touched me

  6. So cute!! And I love the mod fabric. Great job!

  7. It looks great Christie! Such a major improvement! I'll bet you think how much you love it every time you look at it - that's the beauty of having great things around.

  8. O so creative an colourful! The new fabric really parades the lovely footstool!

  9. Hey Christie! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog the other day...because it brought me to yours! I love what you did with this little footstool - what a huge (and easay!) transformation!

  10. Christiiiinee!!!This is soooo coool! I love that chair!Brilliant work,ey!:)))

  11. Great job! Funny, one of my early blog posts was just like this!

  12. @Jeannette, it still smells like candy, does that count?
    @Dinanne, aww I didn’t mean people! I really like your idea of painting initials or dates on the underside! Thank you!!
    @Allison, yes the fabric really makes it!
    @Jo, I couldn’t believe how much of a difference it made!
    @Greyscale, the color does it for me too, and I’m so not a pink gal. Or maybe it’s the polka dots
    @Shannon, you’re welcome! Yes, soo soo easy!
    @gigi, thanks!
    @Mikka, hiiiii! Thank you!
    @Rebecca, I will have to go search for your related post. Great minds!

  13. I love your finished product - what a neat bench!


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