
Brownie Cookies

How do you decide between a craving for cookies and brownies?  That is a tough one, right?  My answer... make something that includes them both.

I started with a quick fudge brownie pre-mixed package.

I made up the mix according to the directions.

I then added a generous amount of chopped walnuts for a little extra crunch.

Stir them in.  I've been really into capturing more action in my photos lately.  Can you feel the stirring?

This is really what started the whole craving.  I had previously made a batch of chocolate chip cookies that ended up baking a little more crunchy than I like.  I am totally a warm out of the oven chewy cookie kind of gal -- I bet you pegged that already!

So, what do you do with overly crunchy cookies?  There are several options:
  • dunk them in milk to soften them up and then gobble
  • put them in your boyfriends, husbands, or kids lunches -- so they eat them instead of you
  • -- or -- reinvent them into a crunchy craving!
I choose lucky door number three!!  Here are those pesky crunchy cookies.

Pour the brownie batter in pre-greased pan like-a so.

Then crumble up those cookies and spread them all over the top of the mixture.  Ohhh ma goodness.. doesn't that just perk you up a little!?!

I popped this mixture in the oven for the package cooking time and here are the results!


A little crunch from the cookie pieces and walnuts.

A little gooey from the brownie.

I would definitely make these up again!  It's a fantastic way to use up cookies that are reaching the end of their life.  And it really is a nice surprise to bit into one -- and realize you can have the best of both baked worlds!

So a cookie brownie or a brownie cookie would be...


No matter what you call them... they rock!!

What have you experimented with lately? 

See other creative ideas at Dragonfly Designs for Inspiring Creativity Wednesdays!


  1. Woof! Woof! NOT For ME (not good for dogs) BUT ... Exactly what my mom needs after finishing a 30 day challenge. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. those look so damn good. You made me hungry!

  3. Oh my goodness does that look delicous, you should send me some!

  4. @Sugar, hope your mom treats herself to these, so easy to whip up!
    @Dee, make them!! They are so good!
    @Missy, it would be fun to have a bake and send with a group of friends! You would be first on my list :)

  5. This recipe actually qualifies as evil...

    *Furiously copy/pastes it and emails it to her daughter with the subject line HAVE THESE DONE BY THE TIME I GET HOME*


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