
Project Journal

As we are nearing Thanksgiving, our sewing and crafting time may be running short as our family time increases.  My remedy for that is my new project journal. 

I have found myself lately inspired to the brim with ideas and things I'd like to try.  I may be driving home all the while plotting out a project or sometimes when I am cooking dinner I can see a new quilt pattern in my head.  But, when I finally make it to sit down at my sewing table I can't think of those creative morsels... at all.

The remedy:  A colorful hard covered journal that I can fill up with everything!  And it's small enough to tuck into my purse so I can take it with me everywhere.  (this one is from Barnes and Noble)

Just look how pretty it is.  The colors, the design, the shininess!!  sigh, it's wonderful!

It's also wonderful to know that my ideas will be safe and sound from my lousy memory.  I am also finding that as I plan out an idea and then later come back to it... I am enhancing it with extra details. 


With my journals I typically write something to myself like I did on the first page of this one.  And yes, I gave myself only one rule here.... "Don't hold back." 

As in, there are no bad ideas only bad memories!

Some of my early doodles:  for me it's more important to be able to scribble down an idea quickly rather than capturing it with a perfect sketch and lots of text.  These quickies are enough to jog my memory for the rest of what I was thinking.

- A wood carrying sling made from bright blue canvas
- light jars; which my loving husband has informed me may get too hot and therefore cause bad things unless I maybe do this with LED light strings  sigh
- decorated branches in vases to flank the mantel

- possible designs for christmas lights on our front stairs and door.
- recycle plastic bags into bows/pom poms to add to the railing.

And the ideas go on and on!!

I am enjoying the peace of mind knowing my ideas are safe and I am enjoying seeing them come to life too!  I am sure you will see more of the journal in the future!! 

How do you keep your ideas or inspirations safe?


  1. I too am a journaler! (Is that a word)

    I love your small journal to fit in your purse. Love your doodles that will turn into lovely projects.

    It's so easy to let a good idea float way forever if it's not jotted down.

    You are an inspiration today!! Thanks.

  2. What a great little journal...such a handy size. And your "don't hold back" rule is a good one. I keep a journal too and write in it often.

  3. What a great idea!! I've had so many journels where I scribble ideas and plans. I need to go through old boxes and see if I can find them. How fun would it be to go back years later and remember what you where thinking about?!! Sounds like happiness to me! LOL

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving,

    Paige and her Golden, Simba

  4. Oh, this is beautiful! I love the design on the cover. I carry around a small purse journal as well, only mine is just black. I wish you many happy doodles and writings!!

  5. What a cool idea! I have a little journal that I keep next to my pc, for writing down practical information--nothing at all creative! I think I just keep my creative to-do list in my head!

  6. I love your journal! How inspiring. I do the same thing only I don't have such a pretty cover and my ideas are copied...I cut out photos from magazines to remember for later. I seldom sketch things.

    Sorry I am late in visiting, the holiday kept me busy!

  7. It was a very nice idea! Just wanna say thank you for the information you have shared. Just continue writing this kind of post. I will be your loyal reader. Thanks again.alfred angelo.

  8. I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful ….


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