
Central Park Pinwheels is Finished!!

Pretty fun to share two finishes in one week!

Truth is, this quilt has been more or less finished for a few weeks and I just had a bit of binding to finish.  Then I was waiting for a little bit of day light to be able to take pictures.

It was worth the wait!

This quilt all started when I bought a charm pack of the fabric Central Park (Moda) and learned the quick technique for making half square triangles.  The rest is the result of playing with color combinations and fabrics on hand. 

The center of the quilt or 'Central Park,' if you will, was the result of several charms being too amazing to cut into.  I wanted a way to display my favorites --uncut.  With a bit of sashing between the squares it started to look like a garden or zoo with walkways in between to take in the beauty.  What a fun design it was turning in to!

The back became just as wild as the front.  I even followed through with the same 'sidewalk' idea using the big brown strips.

I really like how all that color can live together in harmony in this one quilt.  That makes me a really happy camper! 

Isn't it surprising how at home the quilt looks in a tree?

Here is another look at the front.  Funny now, how that rock looks like a pillow and the quilt makes up the bedding.  I must be really tired this afternoon.

This is a better look at the backing.  This whole design, back and front, was made up from my imagination as I played with the squares and made more and more pinwheels.  Fun to see how organic designing can take shape and become a 'real' design after some time.

And I couldn't resist a rolled up shot to show off that glorious hot pink binding!  I adore how it adds a splash of color and still manages to tie a lot of the design (front and back) together.

Yes, my assistant was close by, as you would expect.  She has been savoring the last of the snow piles and was diving from pile to pile as I walked around the yard looking for places to snap photos.

She provides a constant reminder to live in the now, enjoy what is right in front of you, and don't take even the small things for granted.  I had forgotten how much fun the last bits of snow could provide. 

If I could manage to live through her eyes more often I am sure I would be a better person!

You may have also noticed the new button on my side bar for the Bottled Rainbows Quilt-a-long. 

Bottled Rainbows {the button}

I am taking the plunge and joining now that I just realized (only just today -- where have I been), that this is a ticker tape quilt ... very much like Confetti Quilt that I made earlier in the year.  Also, this is a leisurely quilt-a-long.. as in no pressure, enjoy the ride, let this be therapy for me style.  Sounds like perfection to me!

I have my solids on the way and will begin playing with and organizing my scraps.  I am hoping to make the my first block this weekend.  Can't wait to share the progress!

This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats 
Last WiP Wednesday Total: 6
New Projects: 1 ~ Bottled Rainbows Quilt-a-long
Finished Projects: 2 ~Tribal and Central Park Pinwheels
Total WiP's: 6 ~ down 1 from last week with two finishes and one new addition.

---Linking to W.I.P. Wednesday---

I will also be joining the Friday Night Sew-in fun this Friday 3/18 with the amazing folks signed up at Handmade by Heidi.  The idea is that you carve out some you and sewing time on Friday... and make a whole lot of progress on whatever you have brewing! 

You can still hop over and sign up if you are interested... it really is a fun time if you have been wanting to try one!

Much love for Japan


  1. Hooray for a finished quilt! I like reading about your process ... it's lovely! Happy WIP wednesday! Have fun organizing your scraps for the Rainbow Quilt along!

  2. Your Central Park Quilt looks wonderful! I love the binding color, it is awesome! I am also working on the bottled rainbows quilt and am looking forward to digging through my scraps!

  3. It's beautiful, Christie! The binding and backing are both incredible. Nice job!

    Thanks for linking up, have a great week. : )

  4. Christie, so amazing you did that. WOW!! I love both sides. How fun. Good luck with the co-op too. Sounds challenging.

    Yes, sorry to see you not join in CT again but I perfectly understand--even I didn't make it this time. Fact is that not only was I super busy but coulnd;t think of anyhting for my own theme. LOL.

    Anyway, I am curious as to what you might choose for a theme? If you ahve a suggestion or two, can you put them here or email me and I'll check back later to see what your're thinking. Maybe I will even include it as one sometime soon. :)

    Keep on creating happiness-s needed in this world of worries and such. Your little blog is a delight indeed.

  5. Oh, I love love love that quilt, the central park fabric is gorgeous and I love how your design developed! Great pics too :-)

  6. What a unified quilt on the front and back. I love the colors and it's like two quilts in one!

  7. Yay! You're done! :)
    I love that pic of the binding - oohh that is lush fabric! :) And now I have to go back to the post where you mentioned it and find out what it is - I think I want some! :) You are so bad for my fabric diet!!! lol

  8. I love your Central Park quilt! All of the different fabrics look great together. Happy WIP!

  9. Thanks for sharing your ideas on how you put this together, it is a great quilt!

  10. Beautiful quilt and love the backing. You seem to have the perfect tree to hang your quilts for pictures!

  11. Hello! How I missed this post...I was waiting this quilt because I knew it's going to be my favorite! It's perfect and I love also that 'garden' fabric behind!
    You have designed and made it so well! xxx Teje

  12. Love your central park quilt!! Waht is the backing fabric with the birds called? It is so vibrant! It looks great!

  13. Ooh, I love your quilt too! The pattern's so pretty! It's so bright and colourful!

  14. Love this quilt, new follower, hopped over from Chocolate's open house link party! Have a great weekend!
    JERRI =)

  15. I love it! I have a Central Park charm pack just waiting to be used. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Jennifer :)


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