
Happy Happenings

It really is true.  Happiness lives in so many forms... Enjoy!

The paper white bulbs are getting close to blooming!

Katie likes quilt binding and has no problems taking fabric right off my sewing desk.

This pink binding is so drenched and yummy!!

I did finish up making the binding last night!  slobber can be ironed out, right?

Katie has no problems checking my quilts in progress for quality and softness.  Even when I am trying to lay out binding.

Who me?  I am just performing my duties as your quality inspection assistant

I adore how the binding is looking with this quilt -- it also looks fantastic with the backing!

I'm looking forward to snuggling under the quilt while I had sew the binding down on the back!

I get a big smile on when sunlight pours through my window on onto my paper lanterns!

I still have my crocheted heart garland up on the fireplace mantel and I am really liking how the yarn contrasts and compliments the brick! 

fabrics, yarns, and stones -- all have been granted permission to make my heart pitter patter on que!

Bulbs in bright colored containers or containers covered in polka dots make the world seem right!

Although we still have a TON of snow, but I can see progress in it melting (it helps to notice the progress when we have days like today where everything is rock solid frozen again)

And honestly, I still think snow is pretty in the sunlight... it sparkles!

This one sparkles too!  Do you see that look in her eye? 

momma, get that camera away from me, but I will do anything to get that baby carrot in your hand.

I hope you are having a wonderful day taking in all the bits and bobs of happiness around you; no matter how big or small!


  1. Your bulbs are coming along nicely :) I love the smell of jonquills. So enticingly fresh!
    Katie looks like she is a big fan of your Central Park quilt... could she be anticipating spring? ;)The binding and the backing look amazing together.
    Ooh paper lanterns!!! Squeal. I have a white one as a light shade in my bedroom...
    Heart garlands, snow and sparkley eyes. Lots of lovely things :)

  2. This post made me smile from ear to ear :)

    (Katie just melts my heart)


  3. Love your pics today, especially of Katie so involved in everything (as usual I suspect). Your heart garland looks so cute on your fireplace!!

  4. Yippee!!
    Might that first one be the view from your new hole-in-the-wall? : ) LOVE the paper lanterns. : ) And OMG was that earth I saw there amidst the snow!? Right on.

    : )

  5. Your post and your inspector, made me very happy! It is funny you mention sparkling snow. I was outside this morning when it was still dark out, and I was stunned by the outdoor lights hitting the frost on the trees and ground cover. It looked like hundreds of fireflies and I was blown away and grateful I was there at that moment.

  6. looks like that quilt is going to get plenty of good use from your pup... you might have to make a few more =)


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