
Creative Tuesday: Purple

It's Creative Tuesday!  Do a little dance, shake all around!  It's that time of the week where I open my sketch pad -- or do I? -- and see what comes out for the theme over at Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesday's assignment!

This week's theme was Purple. yes. As in the color.  As in the creative we come up with should be mostly purple.  I have to admit I was totally stumped.  I mean I could think of purple things like grapes and flowers.  I also thought of drawing something random like a hippo and coloring her purple.

But, in the end I took a totally different direction and even went away from my safe and comfortable color pencils.  It was all spurred by this... a bird house!

Yup, Katie gave me a hand crafted, one of a kind, bird house for Mother's Day!  Isn't she talented!  I'm sure, the mister helped her a little.  I was smitten!!  Been wanting my very own bird house for sometime now!

So, I gathered up my paints.  It's been a long time.. oh how I missed thee Paints!!

And I started to apply purples.  Purples mixed with pink, purples that were mostly blue, purples mixed with orange.. serious.  Check it out!  This unit even comes with blooming tulip gardens!

 I couldn't resist being my spunky self and adoring the front of the house with "Home, Tweet Home!"  And the back with "No Twig, like home"  (likened to No Place, like home)  Fun, right?

Then a large wash with Mod Podge.   Yummy!

And because that wasn't funky enough...out came the fake spanish moss to finish the job!

And there you have it.  A one of a kind, purple infused, ready to move in, freshly painted Purple Love Shack!

Mr. Toast, your incredible sir!  Thank you for the challenging them and I already say YES! to accepting your next challenge! 

I had so much fun unleashing my creative through this process, hope you consider joining in this or the next assignment (and I hope you do) feel free to check out other artists in the community here.

Much love for Japan


  1. How fun! I hope a sweet little bird family takes up residence!

  2. Christie!! so glad you joined in as actually, funnily enough, i thought you'd just run with purple. Seemed so you somehow so it was surprising to red you were stumped at first. But i do love the direction you took and am honoured that from now on when you look out into your garden you'll surely think in part of this co-op. :)

    Now, a bird house? BRILLIANT! What a great way to explore purple, painting it all up and such. Love it. And, may I say? You DO have very remarkable birds there. Quite brainy aren't they to read those signs? :)

    Ty so much for joining in. Always enjoy reading your stories behind these posts. Inspiring indeed.

  3. BTW, what a wonderful gift your littel girl led your man to ,to help her get for you for mothers Day. Happy belated one. :)

  4. aww, so adorable. I like what you did with the bird house- i hope you will share pictures if a family develops there! xoxo

  5. What a great springtime interpretation of this week's theme!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a great and original interpretation! I'm sure the birdies will be thrilled to have such a stylish abode

  8. Aw, this is the cutest little purple love shack I've ever seen. :) I love the mossy roof!

  9. this is a lot of fun! i'm sure a little birdie would love to call this shack a home.:p

    thanks for visiting Live in the Moment.

  10. oh this is such a cute project, and the bird house looks like it can be used to - I say this because I picked up 2 from our local supermarket and brought them home only to have my hubby point out that the birdies will fall out lol.

  11. What a fun birdhouse, love the roofing!

  12. Kind of like Habitat for Bird-manity. I like it. I hope you get to post on some residents too.

  13. Delightful birdhouse. "Home, Tweet, Home"...I love that!

  14. A new house in the neighborhood... Sure hope a nice little family of birds takes advantage of your creativity.

    What a clever take on the color "Purple".

  15. the most wonderful bird house ever
    you always impress me with how creative you are

  16. Love the birdhouse:) Hope that a lot of artistic birds will make use of it:):)

  17. I of my most favorite things that always makes me smile is reading what children write! They always spell the words like they sound! This is quite a beautiful masterpiece and I know it will be a busy house!!!

  18. YAHOO - you are this week's Wizard of Whimsy


  19. Super cute. Thanks so much for linking up! Can't wait to see what you have for this week.


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