
Sammy and Katie's Silly Antics

I had a great week off!  It was nice to rest, play, eat, be lazy, and ignore most of the chores.  I even managed a little bit of sewing!  I didn't anticipate taking such a long break from blogging, but I guess it's what I needed.   

All in all, I missed you and it's good to be back!  My camera is loaded with lots of things to share to include a ton of puppy cuteness! 

Ready for a Katie and Sammy update?  This is a taste of their silly antics...you can definitely tell they 'speak the same language!'

I wonder what Sammy is whispering in Katie's ear here?

Flying ears!!

Sammy has no problem getting right up in Katie's face.

Katie does a lot of fancy quick cornering that the little puppy legs just can't do yet, but she is learning fast!

They are often very vocal with each other.  Lots of little growls and barks.  Sammy is so tough.

Katie is doing her play with me bow here.  So cute!

Oh, no... looks like I have been spotted.  Do you see that little head peaking through Katie's legs?

Sammy often runs through Katie's legs or under her.  It's going to be funny once she is too big to do that any more.

Yes, they tussle like two big dogs.  Sammy may be smaller, but she sure doesn't realize that she is.

Yes, they both use their mouths to play.  I'm surprised I don't find more slobber on them after playing.

Sammy loves to get Katie's attention and then flops on her back and paws at her to provoke play.

I swear they could go on and on for hours at a time.

Katie does plenty of jumping and pawing.  I am happy to report that she has been a good play partner and hasn't gotten too rough for the little one.

Katie checking in to see if Sammy still wants to play.  Sammy just adores Katie!

After playing a nice roll in the cool summer grass is in order.

Little one mimicking Katie's every move. 

Well, almost.  I think she missed the part about rolling and went straight for biting/eating.

Sammy looking back over to Katie to make sure she isn't missing out on anything fun.

Katie's on the move again... little Sammy is never too far away. 

Like tweedle-dee and tweedle-da.  Two peas in a pod.  Two happy silly goldies that, as you can now clearly see, speak the same language!!  I am very happy they are bonding and am fairly sure at this point that they are going to be BFF (best friends forever).

So, let's see what else.  I have pictures from the garden for you later today.  I am excited to show you the quilting projects I have made progress on -- we will do that tomorrow for Wednesday Work in Progress.  And, I also have a post brewing in my head that I think I will call, "The Truth About Puppies."  Lots on the way!

Hope you have been well and looking forward to catching up with you!

Much love for Japan


  1. Nothing like a puppy to make us all feel young again. I like that the instinct in the older dog is to teach the younger how to behave and play and how the younger knows to follow suit.

  2. Post of the day for me. What joy!

  3. Oh my....I'd say all these photos make me smile really, really, really big! Happy indeed!
    xx, shell

  4. Sammy is just sooo cute! If I had Katie and Sammy around, I wouldn't get anything done. I'd be watching, and laughing at them all day!

  5. They make a summer day to remember!Happy, Happy, happy!

  6. Vof Katie! How great you to have a small sister! You look like having the best time together and sure you are best friends forever!
    Hugs from Nero


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