
Dog Day's of Summer

What do you do when it's all hot and summery out?

How about... go for a swim?  Katie will demonstrate.

First you dip your paws in to test out the temperature like so.

Then you run back out and exclaim about how chilly the water is.

Stand back and admire the lake scenery while you get up the nerve to go back in.

Carefully tippy-toe back in.

Drink some of the water to help naturalize with the temperature.

Pretend it's not so bad by nonchalantly sniffing the local greenery.

Then take the plunge and dunk a good portion of your body into the lake...

...while blowing a few bubbles in the water.

Ah, yes.  These are the dog days of summer!

Taking in every moment!

A little bit of snorkeling and paddling around.

Back to eating some grass.

Sniffing water is always a lot of fun.

"Hey Mom, bet you can't see me now."

And, that's how it's done!

Hope you are enjoying your summer days as much as we are!

Much love for Japan


  1. Oh,,,I can just imagine the coolness seeping in.....

  2. Vof Katie, that looks fun! I'm not much for swimming but I think I would love it in a lake. Salty water is yach and I can't jump to the pool because then you can't go slowly like you do.
    Have fun and enjoy summer!
    xxx Nero

  3. is it really that cold right now? We ran to the lake/provincial park last night for supper and the water was WARM. But it has been hot. Our lakes aren't freezing n the summer because they aren't direct mountain run off.

    YES - we've been having fun!!! lotsa runs to the lake. fun.
    : )

  4. Ahhh! Summer swimming in a fresh water source. Bliss!

  5. Christie, this has been a rough summer for me dealing with some unexpected health issues and I just want you to know, your posts always make me smile. So refreshing today!! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. I LOVE this post, too funny! Thanks for the early morning chuckle!

  7. Oh what a ball your puppy is having!! Love Posie

  8. Our lab wouldn't have even let her feet touch the ground on her leap into the water. In the winter she would come out with a white layer of ice over her black coat.
    I asked the vet when it was too cold for her to go in and he said "when she won't go in". Lol.
    Your beautiful girl reminds me of an elegant woman wading into the water hoping not to get her hair wet. I love the way her hair flairs out. And the snorkeling, ha, ha.

  9. Oh Miss Katie, it is so beautiful there and I can just feel the cool water in my mind :)


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