
Ten More Snaps?

Yes, lazy vacation-bones (a.k.a. me) checking in.

I had a quirky day, but it was nothing that a swim in the lake with Sammy couldn't cure.  So, how about ten more snaps; which is code for I'm too lazy to write an organized post.

I am enjoying working with this pile of blue-gray-whites.  Couldn't resist rolling it up before I started sewing up the top.

This little one was by my side for a lot of the cutting.  And of course as soon as I grab my camera she opens her eyes.  Doh!

At this point, the bricks and sashing were all cut out for the mister's blue quilt.  Couldn't resist one more shot before designing.

Had to decide what colors would go where.  Hard to restrain myself and not do a random selection.  The mister likes order.  So, I had to determine what that order would look like.

Ice cream!!  What would a vacation be without ice cream?  And lookie what I found when I opened the top!!! <3

Ha!  Doesn't Sammy just have the best I'm getting into trouble faces?

I didn't tell you, but she has started teething... lost her two front teeth.  Adorable.  And trouble.. the poor little thing is trying anything to get some relief.  Here she has a frozen cotton rope in tow.

Katie looking out over the garden.  Love those ears!

A moment that they are playing nicely together.  You can sure tell they are really starting to like each other!

What do you think Katie?  Yeah? We can keep Sammy?  She's so smiley!

And lookie, I got a haircut!!  Yes, bangs!!  Totally fab!

If you get a moment... today is also Sugar's (the Golden Retriever) 10th birthday!!  Go over and wish her a wonderful birthday too!  Sing it with me.... Happy Barkday to Sugar and.... many more!!

And this is my totally lame-o attempt at showing what I've got in progress.  I'll do better next week.  Promise!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. your bangs are cute! Lovely pics of the puppies, poor baby teething! So funny as I have been going through the same thing with Baby J :) Enjoy making your newest quilt!

  2. Woof! Woof! Lots of Golden Thanks. LOVE Sammy adorable photos. Puppy years are the best. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Hi Christie! Your new look is great! I just love all those blue,grey,jean colours - they will make a wonderful quilt! I wish once I can have a bunch like that!
    Katie is always so adorable and Sammy sweet with full of tricks!
    xxx Teje

  4. Lame-o? I don't think so. At least you have been posting!!! lol (I must fix that soon).
    Cute bangs :)
    Poor puppy... at least she has parents that understand and try to give her relief.


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