
Ten Day

I was really tickled this week when Michelle from Faith, Trust, & a Little Pixie Dust nominated me for the Versatile Blogging Award.  I so enjoy joining in her Fabulous Friday Linky Party when I get in my creative groove on and have you seen her birthday gift giving idea?  She shared a picture of a cake stand all prettied up with ribbon and of course filled with a sweet that had me practically licking the screen.  Go see for yourself! 

In order to accept the award I am thank Michelle (Thank you!!), share seven things about me (how about ten instead?), and pass on the award (of course letting them know I did so). 

A few 'versitile' bits about me via the snaps that have been lingering on my camera.

I end up with a few shots like this from time to time.  Yes, this is Mr. Happy's hand.  Funny, no?

I recently dried a huge batch of strawberries!  Just a few left now in the fridge... may have to dry apples next.

The mister took me to the Daniel Ninham Intertribal Pow Wow.  The snap I'm sharing shows the Ninham Mountain Singers in the middle of an upbeat song while the Red Storm Drum and Dance Troupe danced with true zeal. 

I admit that I don't know a lot about the Wappinger Indians of the Hudson Valley, but I know the event left me energized, moved, passionate, and ready to embrace anything.  One of my favorite parts about their advertising was the part about "Absolutely no ... Negativity on grounds."  And, "All drums welcome." 

Now that's happiness!

Hard to tell if this is Katie or Sammy, isn't it? 

It's Sammy.  When she sees the camera come out, she sticks her nose right up to it.

A little candle I have on my desk at the moment.  Re-filled with a pumpkin spice scented tealight.

I am attempting to make a skirt for myself.  Without a real pattern.  It's getting interesting.  More to come.

I am still so amazed by all the mushrooms that have popped up again from the rain we have had over the last three weeks.  This one (many?) is growing from the side of a tree at about my height. 

And it's so spiky!

Katie posing for me on a recent hike.

Sammy trying to get into the action.  She blinked.  But it really looks like she is going to fall asleep.

And Spoonflower recently had a free sample day... so I took the plunge to upload my fabric design and ordered my very own free sample.  So... so... so... magical to see one of my designs translated to fabric. 

May I also thank you each of you who voted for me in the Connecting Threads design contest!  Thank you!!

As of this morning I exceeded 350 votes --- well beyond my wildest dream!  I don't think I have enough to get to round two, but I have really learned so much from this experience and I can feel the design fire burning strong! 

Won't be my last attempt at this; I promise!

Last order of business is to nominate a few blogs for the Versatile Blogger Award:

<3 Lucy from Craftberry Bush who comes up with imagination capturing and... well... versatile crafting projects -- meaning there are so many applications for her creations!  Added bonus... her pictures are incredible!!

<3 MJ from Wander Wonder Discover who never fails to write beautiful and inspiring posts that make me reflect on my own day.  Plus she finds the best quotes and books!

<3 Betsy at My Five Men who always finds the time to remember the little things that make her smile.  She reminds me to keep up my own practice of remembering that happy can come in any package!  And you have to see her post today... you'll laugh, I sure did!

There you have it!  Ladies, play along if you like.  Even if you don't I hope a few new friends go your way and get to share in your journey as I have.

As the rest of us make the mad dash for the long weekend, I hope you are smiling at the little things and laughing often!


  1. Woof! Woof! Dried strawberries ... Tasty!!! I think we got the same machine. With all the rain we got ... weird mushrooms popping out everywhere. Can't wait for your skirt ... its pleated. Mom made one an A line from a pattern ... you are just amazing. Have a great day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. I just feel better for reading your blog!Such a positive place to visit!!

  3. Congratulations Christie and thank you for all the lovely moments we get when visiting you! How great to see your happy fabric in live!
    Have a wonderful time!
    xxx Teje

  4. Thanks so much for the shout-out Christie. I enjoyed the photos - especially the ones of the "babies"! My dog's name is Sam too, but he's a boy. I'm looking forward to checking out the three blogs you nominated.

    Warmly, Michelle

  5. Congrats on the award!!
    I have always wanted to go to a real Native American pow wow. I've heard that they are everything from energizing to really emotional (just as you have described). And pumpkin spice-ooo it's getting close isn't it?! Autumn !!
    And it is so wonderful that you have put yourself out there with your design. I think it is absolutely adorable and I hope you are inspired to continue making more. This blogosphere has been so amazing for me creatively. There are many that inspire me to reach beyond my comfort zone and try something new, to keep creating. You are certainly one of them.

    And thank you so very much for the award. Your words are so kind and it means so much to know you like what I post :).
    much love to you
    xx oo

  6. I'm so glad you got that award. When I got it the specs said it had to be 15 blogs you had recently found (And since I had found yours almost a year ago...) I did so want to send it to you! :)

  7. Great set of photos. You definitely are a versatile blogger!

  8. I love this. Native American drumming groups are so soothing - in a strange, drumming sort of way. Your fabric design is adorable.

  9. Congrats on your award...well deserved!

    My DD#4 LUVs-LUVs Hippos and has a great collection of them. She would be sooo-SEW ver adoring of your fabric...it NEEDS to be..."produced"...we NEED some! lol


  10. Aww. ..thanks, Christie! It was so fun to read your 10 things. Very neat. Now let me see if I can think of seven... :) Thanks, dear. You're a sweetie.


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