
Creative Tuesday: Three / 3 (#47)

It's Creative Tuesday and I'm excited to show you what I tried today! 

Wondering what a Creative Tuesday is?  Every two weeks we grab our pads and something to color with to create for the theme over at Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesday's assignment -- neat, no?

This week's theme is Three or 3 -- as in draw three of something.  I thought of so many things that I wanted to draw.  It began to get difficult to figure out what to do.  This time I let my creative room inspire me and decided to loosely doodle a trio of horses that I have hanging on my wall.

Horses are definitely animals that I adore.  I find them intelligent, inspiring, and elegant.  And incredible difficult to draw -- but that's part of the fun of this challenge, right?

I also wanted to play with my water color pencils to add some texture and light hints of color.  Here is what I came up with.  I had fun and have to say that I would definitely give horses another try!

Here is a closer picture of the doodle, since I am short on time to scan.  The overcast day isn't helping much, but you get the idea!

I hope you consider joining in this or the next assignment (really hope you do) and please take a look other artists in the community here.  


  1. Woof! Woof! LOVE it! We also have a framed horses ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. beautiful horses, amazing creatures, well done,

  3. Great sketch and how wonderful that you had THREE write in front of you to inspire you!

  4. Great way to use/interpret inspiration right in front of you. Horses are impossible for me to attempt so I'm so impressed at your willingness to try and then to have it be so successful! Great job.

  5. Horses are definitely hard to draw. I remember in drawing class how easy the teacher made it look. You did good. I have seen that print before and I too love horses. Son breeds Quarterhorses.

  6. I never evolved beyond the apples in the bowl. I see another fabric design in your future! Please do one with dogs, too!

  7. You have captured so much movement in your drawing, which is hard to do. Lovely interpretation.

  8. Horses are such majestic and beautiful animals. Your painting is lovey, your doodles capture the feel and majestic look!

    Really like what you did with this theme...

  9. Wow, you did a great job copying the painting. Beautiful horses. :)

  10. This is a wonderful take on the theme, nicely executed!

  11. you did a great job, and i like how you captured the action and movement of the horses, here!

  12. I also like the sense of movement and I like the joy in the horses as that is what I would aniticpate it feels like to run wild and free like that.

  13. "I thought of so many things that I wanted to draw. It began to get difficult to figure out what to do. "
    --Ha, Christie that is so you. Love that about your creative muse. HARD subject matter to draw. I stay well clear of horses! Great job though and looks like you had fun with it. I can tell. TY so much for stretching yourself there again. Fun addition.


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