
Wednesday WIP {Three New Things!!}

I can feel the pace of the year starting to pick up as swaps are beginning and I am getting back into my rhythm to enter an art show in March and my guild quilt show in May. 

Spinning Starlets {English Paper Piecing} -- a.k.a. I've reached a new level of crazy!
A new blog friend of mine Kris from Duke Says Sew What has turned me on to the idea of English paper piecing.  Sounds so formal, right?  Well, you might remember that I had paper piecing on my list for 2012, so when I looked over the Block Party at Selfsewn and saw how cute the Rose Star was... I caved. 

So far, I've cut out the template from paper, cut my fabric scraps, based most of the pieces, and begun hand sewing them together.  I think I may do a seperate post on my experiences with this process so far.

Private Swap with Megan from Silver Threads of Happiness
Adding this here so I don't forget.  I have so many ideas to surprise Megan and I'm tickled that we have the same silly forest, mushroom, elephant, and button likes!  And have you see her Pink Granny Blanket?  It's totally sweet!  Makes me want to get started on a crochet blanket.

Name Game Swap -- due by 15 March
We are swapping a mini quilt that uses the name of our swap partner in the quilt.  Cool, no?  I haven't gotten my partner information yet, but am going to pull together an inspiration mosaic to help my partner stalk me!


Star Struck or Map to the Stars -- star quilt-a-long by Melissa at Happy Quilting
I made zero progress on this last week.  Bad, bad, me.  I really need to just sit down and whip up a bunch of stars.  I'm feeling more inspired to sew after last night's guild meeting! 

Naughty Notions Challenge -- make a clutch using lots and lots of notions by the end of the month
(you can still join if you like)
I have a pretty good idea what I want to do now... just need to make the basic clutch and start embellishing!

Laughing Leaves with Frieda Anderson
More of the project can be seen here.  Can't wait to roll up my sleeves and dig back in!  You can also check out what I learned about using fusible in an art quilt!
Still no deadline for this one.  The way things are going, maybe I pick this up once my show pieces are done?

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats:
Last WiP Wednesday Total: 5
New Projects: 3
Finished Projects: 0
Total WiP's: 8 (creeping up as we get closer to quilt show time!)
And, how about a picture of Sammy and Katie?  That was a lot of rambling and not a lot of pictures.

Forms of a Dress -- due 14 February
This is my first guild challenge!  I have completed my sketch and am ready to pull fabrics to get going. 


Lee said...

I ADORE those paper-pieced stars, but I'm just not sure I have it in me for a project like that right now! Instead I'll just admire others'. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

Your starlet is looking so pretty! I'm curious to hear how it's going, wil look forward to that post. Couple of things I've noticed myself: When I take one long stitch per side they come apart a bit when I attach so I'm back to 2 stitches per side and those kite ends are pointy so I start and stop there to leave a tail (it will be hidden when joined with others). Thanks for playing along Christie! The girls are looking so cute today - is Sammie actually smiling? I think so!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Christie! Your new project looks so exiting! I haven't tried paper piecing and I thing I should learn that ... I'll see if there is time enough. Your puppies are again so beautiful together! This week I am taking care of my new friend, a sweet Golden Retriever girl!
x Teje

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! That's COOL! Hey good to see Sammie and Katie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar.

Becky said...

Love your dogs (how did you ever get them to stand still like that?)! I almost caved with that beautiful block too. Yours looks great! It's definitely on my to-do list...

Wee Little Birds said...

Good luck with the paper piecing... not my most favorite thing to do but the results are great

Jientje said...

Oooh my, you're such a busy bee! Love that picture of the doggies below!

Seaweed and Raine said...

You are one busy girl!!! :) I might have to have a look-see at the clutch prospects - though I don't think i'd have time to do it AND all the stuff I SHOULD do before baby arrives!!! LOL

Can't wait to see some photos of what you are getting up to - and speaking of photos - that is one cute one of the pups!
S xox

Anonymous said...

I am so in love with that paper pieced block. I have been seeing it around blogland and think I might try it. Great job on all you got done this week.

Megan said...

Phew, you do have a lot on your plate! And lots with deadlines -eek! I am keeping my deadline crafting down to one thing, my swap with you. Not that we have a deadline as such, just sooner rather than later!

The paper piecing looks entirely confusing but very interesting! Hopefully by next week you won't have any more WIPs to add to the list and you'll be well on the way with some of them :)

Megan said...

Oh, PS... thanks for the comment and link about my granny blanket! I am just so proud of it I almost don't want to give it to my sister. Good thing I'm not really a pink person!

Jenniffier said...

It looks so very cute, can't wait to see how it turns out.

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