
--SEWING FOR 2012--

For now this is just a dumping ground of all the sewing ideas I have for myself in the new year. 

At some point I will need to decide what will come when, but for now I am happy with an open brainstorm of creativity!  Also linking up with Creative Collections as I think about my creative resolutions for 2012.

I am {semi}committed to:
Red and White Lonestar; guild challenge
Forms of a Dress; guild challenge - finished!
Name Game Swap - finished!

For April/May Quilt Show:
Colorful Pots

Sooner Rather Than Later:
Good Fortune scrap design - strings maybe?
Christmas Stockings x4
Christmas Tree Skirt
FMQ Sampler - monthly

No Deadline:
Host a confetti quilt along
Rag quilt
Puff pattern quilt
Charity Quilt x2

Yarn and Clothes:
Crewel birds and bees x2
Crochet ripple blanket
Sewing clothes - skirts, dress, tops, pants

I catch myself saying this phrase often, "That's on my life list," oddly enough, I have never taken the time to write down all the things on my life list.  I thought I give it a try.

  1. Drive a dog sled. (do you drive them?)
  2. Can my own salsa and tomato sauce.
  3. Sell more of my artwork.
  4. Be an awesome Mom.
  5. Lots of travel... I'm thinking Germany, Japan, Portugal, Thailand, Iceland, Amsterdam, Brussels, Hawaii...
  6. Set up a kick butt home studio.
  7. Be more patient with life.
  8. See the great wall of China.
  9. Visit as many aquariums as I can.
  10. Do a whale adventure where I get to touch one.
  11. Learn African dance.
  12. Try a drumming circle.
  13. Get paid to train/work with dogs.
  14. Or at least get a job that I can take my dog to.
  15. Go back to school -- no idea what for.
  16. Re-learn German.
  17. Make more things from scratch.
  18. Continue to live green; less waste, hybrid car, veggie garden.
  19. Take more risk.
  20. Be a great friend.
  21. Be a better sister.
  22. Be an even better daughter.
  23. Run.  Run like it's the best remedy for anything.
  24. Train for a half marathon.
  25. Run in a half marathon.
  26. Get a second dog.  Hopefully another goldie-pie.  Hello, Sammy!!
  27. Live more in the moment and less as a dreamer.
  28. Keep quilting.
  29. Always find happy things even if they are small.
  30. Learn to weld.
  31. Make welding art.
  32. Take a cooking class.
  33. Hike. A lot!
  34. Treasure the things I have, rather than the things I don't.
  35. Embrace yoga as a way to balance myself.
  36. Eat more vegetarian meals.
  37. Come up with my own secret BBQ sauce.
  38. Get my MBA
  39. Be a real artist -- not sure how that is defined
  40. Garden more
  41. Learn plant names
  42. Plant things deer don't eat
  43. Go to a Monster Truck Rally
  44. Add to this list.... (23 jan 2012)
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