
Happy Birthday Sammy!

Yes, it was Sammy's birthday Friday!  She got to start her morning with a special birthday cookie and yes, she even shared one with Katie!

Being one year old seems to agree with her!  She was all smiles all weekend long!  She must have known that all the fuss was for her.

She even took time to stop and smell the tulips!  And just look at those eyelashes!!

Katie enjoyed the plentiful sunshine and high spot on the rock to watch the neighborhood go by.

While Katie was on the rock, Sammy is a pup that is always by my side.  My shadow.  My companion.  My partner in crime who is always guilty of something.  Here I was putting my veggie garden in and she was on the other side of the fence sticking her paws under the fence and trying to help me dig.  My buddy!

And sure, she's a quirky dog.  I mean, isn't every dog a weird in their own special way?

- So, Sam rips apart a freshly made bed and get under the covers.  Normal right? 
- She has been know to put her head on my shoulder while we are in the car.  That's not too weird. 
- She moos at you if she wants something.  Every dog has a way of asking for things, right?
- She gets in the shower and leaves tracks of muddy paws everywhere.  How else would she keep her feet clean?
- She is the quickest hole digger in the east.  I have a few holes to patch in the yard.  Maybe she is trying to help me weed the yard?
- She has no idea that weekends are meant for sleeping in and constantly wakes up too early.  I have found so much extra time in the week for projects and reading books.
- She'll bark in your face just to hear how loud she can be.  We've all done that once or twice, right?
- She makes goofy faces in the mirror and has a stare down with the "other dog."  Hey, that other dog better watch out what house they think they're in.

Yup, I would officially say that I wouldn't change a thing about this pup.  She's everything this family needed and probably all sorts of things we didn't know we needed.  We're finding a wonderful sort of balance!

And my oh my, Katie and Sammy are the best of friends.  That was my primary reason for adding a second dog and although the two of them have their moments, they really do love each other!  And I am just so happy that I get to see their friendship blossom over time. 

Happy Birthday Sammy, you turned the big 0-1 and I am so happy you picked our family share to your life with!

And get ready... someone else that's furry and blond is turning a whopping five a week from today.


  1. Happy Birthday again, Sammy! Thank you Christie for a lovely post! I love your puppies and your stories with beautiful photos of them!
    Wishes from Finland! Oh I miss my puppies! x Teje

  2. I love it when they play with 'that other dog' in the mirror!! We bought a new camper last year and my little dog went NUTZ over the puppy in our room! I heard him in there just makeing noise and bouncing back and forth and when I went in there I thought I was going to fall over laughing!! He was so darn cute!! Happy birthday Sammy!!

  3. Happy belated birthday Sammy!!

    I love her list of quirks, they match my cat's very well...

    -Nissa loves helping make the bed and diving under the sheet as you are trying to lay it out on the bed and attacking it.
    -when in the car she sits across the back of my shoulders between my head and the seat
    -she loves to jump in the shower and have a drink of shower water
    -she digs holes to China when going to the toilet, seriously, they are that deep.
    -and there are constant showdowns with the other cat in the mirror, or any shiny reflective surface for that matter
    -she also loves a good game of hide and seek chasey around the house too, particularly with MR

    Pet personalities are the best!

  4. Wow - one year!? Happy birthday! And all the best on the quilt show Christie!
    ~Monika in Saskatoon


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