
The Silence

Two part meaning here.  One, I've still been fairly silent here.  I have found myself creating up a storm and not waiting to pause for any reason.  And when I am sharing, I find myself doing so through instagram -- it's super quick to post there (you can find me @cwiltex).  But, I miss this space.  I have given myself permission to be sparse through the remainder of the year and will hopefully pick things up again in the new year.

And, I've also been taking studio yoga classes.  Complete with soothing music, an instructor who is wonderful, and a body that is grateful for the attention.  I'm already stunned to see the difference between the first and second class.  In the first class, I was tense and jittery; my brain wasn't able to turn off, I was making lists in my head the whole time and was overly concerned with how I 'looked' to the person behind me.  Admittedly, I was even trying to pen a blog post about yoga and find a way to sneak a camera picture to share here.  Who is that person, ha!

Granted, I've only been to a second class, but WOW, what a difference.  I am finding peace.  I'm not gritting my teeth so much, my shoulders are much lower away from my ears -- which must mean stress is leaving my body.  I was able to soak in the silence of the last part of the class.  It was pure bliss.  So much power in that silence and I'm so happy to be reconnecting with myself this way.  Just imagine what it might be like after six weeks of attending?

Have you taken a yoga class, what was your experience like?


  1. Glad that you were able to relax the second day. I often find my mind running a muck when I have tried yoga. Although I could probably use a yoga class right now and my shoulders are tucked up pretty high :) good luck!

  2. Good for you! I have been doing yoga (Bikram) for just over 3 years and I think it's changed my life. I have cured injuries, gotten stronger, calmer, learned to relax more. I love it! And I admit I sometimes write blog posts in my head during poses, too. :)

  3. You know, I was raised by a hatha yoga hippy mother, so twenty years ago, I began doing yoga too (I'm 42 now). I did it nearly daily - and still do weekly at least. When I phone my 65 yr old mother, I know not to call to early because she'll be doing her morning yoga. It is excellent for stress. I did it through all the pregnancies, and raise my children with it. It's awesome. I took my FIRST class last year and it was really good. Until then, I've enjoyed books or some yoga programs on the ONE channel. ENJOY. Keep it up. Maybe we should do yoga this year instead of running. ; )

    YAY for YOGA!! : )

    enjoy the limberness it brings.

  4. It is so great to see your happy fur kids on their walk :) Congratulations on finding your love for yoga - it sounds like your class is great!

  5. I'm a regular at the yoga class in my living room. I need to get back to going to a studio though. I get alot more out of my practice when I'm with other people for some reason. So glad you've joined the crazy lovers of yoga. Namaste.


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