
Times Square {Project Quilting Challenge}

I've joined the fun over at Persimon Dreams and entered in the first Project Quilting challenge of season four.  It's a bit intimidated as the rules state you must create a quilt and finish it within the week and have the design based on the challenges inspiration.  This week we were asked to interpret "Square within a square within a square."  Simple enough, right?

{Project quilting challenge for Season 4: challenge 1, Square within a square within a square}

This piece is about 20 by 12 inches.  I started with the colorful squares in the background.

Then you will see several raw edge squares secured with embroidery stitches. I was inspired by Sashiko stitching for these.  And then I've been interested in trying "quilting on air" a process where you cut whole in your layered quilt.  Gulp!

Pillowcased and ready for quilting.  And here you can see the three holes I cut.  See the green from the cutting mat coming through?

After I quilted a bit, I zig-zagged the edges of the holes and then sewed over the opening with a walking foot to create a spider web look.  So scary and so fun!!  I could see using that technique again!!

A closer look at some of the detail.  By doing the three holes, I got better at maintaining the shape as I went on.  And I sure learned a lot.

Phew, what a challenge!  I'm happy to have stretched my creative muscles and tried new things!  Is it perfect?  Nah, but chalk it all up to practice and muscle memory and experience!  And now we rest for a week.  The next Project Quilting challenge will be announced next Sunday the 20th.

I will also be linking up with Quilt Story for Fabric Tuesday.
Happy Weekend!!


  1. Oh, that is so cool!! I love using these challenges to try out new techniques too... Love your PQ quilt!

  2. So, so very cool! Great idea, nice composition, awesome colors! You nailed this challenge, really!!

  3. Love your squares quilt! Cool that your showed us how you cut out the sections and added the squares. I love the quilting lines. They really move your eyes thru' the whole quilt! COOL!

  4. What a great project and it really does look like spider webs!

  5. That is so clever. I'm extremely impressed with how creatively you interpreted the square in a square idea.

  6. Oh, now that is very cool! (Although I almost had a heart attack when you cut that hole!) But the result is fantastic! You are SO creative!

  7. That looks so cool Christie! I love the colours you chose, and the spider web effect is unreal. What are you going to use it for?

  8. Such a cool technique! I didn't notice it until I was doing my 'closer looks'did I notice the hole! It IS scary to cut in the quilt but itsn't it so worth it!? Great job and I'm glad you're having fun with PQ!


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