Driving is pretty much an everyday part of my life.
I think Mr. Happy would argue that driving does make me happy, but I am going to say that driving to work -- commuting -- ain't that fun.
Couple that with the fact that I've been quite the grump lately... especially in the mornings.
I can hear Mr. Happy laughing already as he's reading this. (We commute together, so he has the pleasure of hanging out with me in the car before I am really awake and ready to face the world).
What I am trying to get at... is that even when you think you are in a funk and doing something you don't think can be fun... make sure you are still open to the possibility that happiness really is all around us ... if only we are at the ready to receive it.
This is what happened to me yesterday.
I was driving to work with Mr. Happy.... traffic, my grumpiness... looking for a good tune on the radio... not feeling all that up to going to work.
And then it happened.
Mr. Happy spots a teddy bear. On a big truck.
A cute teddy bear I might add. Even Mr. Happy thought so.
I smiled and said, shucky darn... I don't have my camera handy to grab a shot. Mr. Happy said, no problem and snapped a few pictures with his blackberry for me. Well, for you... for the blog! (I love that he's embraced my blog. He encourages me in the sweetest ways. And I grin ear to ear every time he asks me if I am taking a picture for my blog. He's sweet isn't he?)
But getting back to the teddy bear. You can't help but smile and feel happier after seeing him.
Made us wonder about the truck driver too... the teddy bear looks like it's travelled a long way. It looks deliberately placed. Comfortable almost.
I wonder if that truck drive put the teddy bear there to make people smile?
Teddy bear truck driver, if you are reading this.... thank you! Thank you for making my Monday morning start off in an awesome way!
My lesson. First off I need to stop being a grump.
Second of all I need to remember that happiness comes in all forms and in strange places.
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