
Lingering with coffee

Ahh, it's the weekend.  Finally a chance to sleep in, wake up when your body is ready, snuggle a little extra, linger with a cup of coffee, and read a book in the sunshine! 

All incredible reasons to be oh so happy! 

All things I have done this morning!

The weather has come through with it's promise to be sunny today and I am hoping it will still reach 50 degrees!  While I am about to run out and enjoy the weather, I am thinking about the melting snow.

This time of year is about transition.  The cold weather warming, the snow giving way to the crocus, tulip, and daffodil bulbs, and me moving from the couch under a blanket to outside with my hands in the dirt.

These are a few snaps from the last snow storm.  Their isn't really a theme to them, other than they are more reminders that even in a chaotic moment, happiness can be found.

This is the wrought iron railing that comes up my front stairs.  I'm memorized how the snow found a place to sit within the S's and pile up as high as it did.

Between trying to catch the drips and breaking a few off for Katie to eat we both found a lot of fun in playing with these icicles.

Doesn't our stone fire oven look all snuggled in under the snow?  It was really pretty to look at the stone against the contrast of the snow.  I can't wait to fire this thing up in the spring and make some quesadillas or pizza bagels in it!

I'm sure you guessed that Katie was my partner in crime as I walked.  She would lay down in the snow like this and listen to all the sounds of cars, birds, and snow falling off tree's.  She seems so comfortable in the blanket of snow.

I couldn't help but play with the low hanging tree branches that were weighted down from the snow.  They easily made a cute addition to photos!

I don't think I will ever have enough Katie running pictures.  Just look as she comes toward me at doggy lightening speed!  Katie to the rescue!!

I finally captured a snap of a snowflake falling!

It's not in focus, but I have been wanting to get one all winter and it's a darn good start!  It's important to note that when I am trying to photo a falling snowflake I need a background that isn't white.

So, there you have it.  I have had plenty of fun in the snow.  That said, I am ready for warm weather, sunshine, light showers, bulbs growing, flowers, leaves on the trees, and my hands in the dirt. 

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  1. The pictures of Katie in the snow always crack me up. She seems so comfortable, it does not seem to bother her one bit! It's off to the kitchen for me now to cook our supper. FRESH pasta, that makes ME happy! Have a great weekend yourself!

  2. your morning sounds delish! i had to wake up early and be at work!! i love your stone fire

  3. aw, katie is too cute!
    and i love all the snow!!!


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