
Faces of spring

It's funny to think that the snow drops have already come and gone!  Makes you begin to wonder where the time goes.  I have been very distracted this week again. 
When the weather is nice it's a great feeling to run outside after work and do some sort of project.  

Mr. Happy hung a clothesline for me!  I'm really excited to use it!  

We put up a new shed that I need to post pictures of!

I painted another closet!

I've also been very busy keeping a close eye on what is growing or blooming.  Seems to change daily!!  

The snow drops were a much needed promise of nicer weather on the way.  They have given way to the crocus.
This is one of my favorite snow drop snaps this year!

And then I noticed I have my first daffodil!!  It gorgeous to see how intense the color looks against all the brown and gray and rain.

Even the crocus have an innocence to them!  A delicate nature that you can see in the petals. 

This is my first year growing my own crocus and I never noticed that they are only open during the day.  After work, they are typically all closed up and ready for sleep.

But during the day, they are amazing!  I caught this one early in the morning as it was beginning to open up to greet the day!

This spring I am trying to remind myself to take it all in.  The smells (so fresh), the sounds of the birds, the colors of the flowers and buds on the trees! 

Hope you are enjoying spring where you are!  Don't forget to pause and soak it all in!


  1. What a beautiful post! Spring is my favorite season, don't worry, I AM taking it all in!!
    Happy Easter Christie!

  2. Such beautiful flowers! I love living in the city but I wish I could have a garden!


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