Oh boy. Monday was a blur.
Such a blur in fact that I thought it was Tuesday for most of the day.
Didn't figure out Monday's blurriness until I went to look for my show... So You Think You Can Dance... that's when I realized it. Monday. My show is on Tuesday and Wednesdays.
The good news? I got an extra day back in my week. The down side. It was a blurry extra day.
The good news? I have a whole lot of time coming up to hang with Mr. Happy.
And for you my loves. Here are a few things that have made me happy. Hope they make you even just a smidgen happy too!
I made mini choco cup cakes. AND... I made my own butter cream frosting for the first time.
It was a thrill thing really. I mean there had to be an official butter cream frosting taster, right? And I couldn't think of anyone better for the job other than yours truly. I promise more frosting made it on the cuppies rather than in my tum. Too cool!
It was fun to play with a new way to top these little nibblets too!
And then, I was in a cute little town and saw this guy.
I'm not sure if I would be smiling if I was putting ketchup on myself like that, but maybe it's like hair mousse. It could be like he is putting hair mousse on, right? I mean... he's not gonna eat himself. Is he?
Last, but certainly not least. I made shrimp noodles. Reminds me of familiar days in familiar places with people I miss dearly. With each bite I could remember happy stuff. Sigh, wonderful happy stuff!
Here's hoping your Monday was delectable!
Homemade frosting?! YUM!!