
Vacation Highlights

Mr. Happy and I took a recent vacation to a large 1800's Victorian bed and breakfast.  We're talking no TV, no radio, amazing food, and lots to do outside.

It's over a week later and I am still managing to hold on to that deeply relaxed and rejuvenated feeling!

Here are the highlights:

View from the balcony.  Took my breath away especially when the sun was coming up over the water in the morning.  Sleeping in held no value when there was such a beautiful world right out the window!

View of the Mohonk House from one of the high hiking trails.  (Looks like the hotel from "The Shining" doesn't it?  And the movie "Road to Wellville" starring Anthony Hopkins and Matthew Broderick was taped here in 1994)

This fire tower was the reward for one of the steeper hikes!  It was even more of a surprise to learn we could climb the interior stairs to the top and see all around!

View from the lake while on a row boat.

The fall setting made the already amazing views and scenery that much more seasonal!

Did a lot of kicking up my feet and taking it all in!

Ok, so this technically wasn't our honeymoon (we technically haven't had one yet), but I told the wait staff this was sort of our honeymoon and that I wanted to surprise Mr. Happy with a little something special.  They came out with candles on our dessert and sang us happy honeymoon!

All of the food was so delicious and this was the perfect sweet way to end our relaxing get away!

Tomorrow I will show you the greenhouse that we toured and all the divine plants and flowers we took in!


  1. This may be a repeat comment, sorry blogger is acting up this evening. Christie, beautiful post. It looks like many happy memories were made. I had to smile at the label "cloud."

  2. these views are so breathtaking. I've always wanted to sneak away to a cozy little bed and brakfast now you've got me revisiting the idea :)

  3. and how sweet was the staff to help to you celebrate your "honeymoon"!

  4. @KJ, yes, many happy memories!! Ha, have to have fun with the labels, right?
    @Cynthia, I couldn’t peel myself away from these views, hope you do try a bed and breakfast!! Ha, and yes, our “honeymoon”… we are such dorks!


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