
I'm Sewing Again!

Can you believe it's been two weeks since my last update?  Time flies when you get a puppy.  I am happy to say that I managed to sneak in some sewing time ... which has been wonderful!


X Marks the Spot {still re-thinking the name of this one}
I shared last Friday that I was starting back up with this one and boy oh boy am I ever happy to be back with this quilt!!

I did redesign it once again.  Not too far from where I started, but I am so happy I decided to add solids.  It was really needed to allow the patterns of the Fandango fabric to shine.  This is a quick sketch I made of the pattern so I can remember where everything goes. 

The color pencil colors each represented a fabric below with the X in the center being on of the X blocks I had already made from the Fandango fabric.  I am also excited to play with the border of this one since I decided to let the 'arms' of the X's fall into the border rows.  Should be like it is almost trying to break out of the center (or something like that).

Yes, Katie was in attendance!  I always enjoy her company in the sewing room.  Here she has decided to rest her head in my hand.  Melts me.  Melts me right down.

Yes, Sammy also wanted to pay a visit to the sewing room to see what all the fuss was.  Needless to say she was escorted out quickly -- more about that in the Truth About Puppies post coming.

Ok, so new pattern drafted... new squares cut (they are 6.5 inches in case you were wondering) I started to lay out the quilt on the floor.  Now you can begin to imagine why the puppy couldn't stay around too long.

By the end of the night I had the whole top completely laid out and was happy with the colors and placement of things. 

Over the next few days I started to assemble the top by making 4x4 squares.  It has been challenging to keep the pattern correct, but it's going to be so worth it in the end! 

The extra single blocks that I pinned to my design wall are the 'arms' that will extend into the border... therefore I saved them and set them aside for when I will create the border.  Makes sense, right?

So far, I have about 2/3's of the top sewn together.  And I am head over heels!! 

I still have another column to piece and put on the right side of this, but I can really start to see it coming together... and it's much easier to defend a sewn top from the puppy versus all those loose squares laid out on the floor.

After the middle of the top is together then it's on to the border.  I'm enjoying getting back in the sewing groove again!

{Insert Name Here}: Bottled Rainbows {ticker tape quilt-along}

I have also been able to complete another block for my bottled rainbow.  It turns out that arranging the fabrics and pinning them down is a good thing to keep nearby when chasing a puppy around.  Most of the last two weeks have been all about Ms. Sammy-whammy... but for those precious few moments when she drops and sleeps... it's been nice to have this handy to work on.

There also may have been some chocolate eating.  Although... note to self... eat quiet food when the pup is sleeping or else you risk waking her up and having to chase her around again.  Good times!

Isn't this wrapper awesome?  It's from Cracker Barrel courtesy of my darling and thoughtful husband.

As I was able to get back to my sewing machine I started to attach all the scraps.  Taking out the pins as I go along. 

Normally I use straight pins for this.  But the safety pins were... well... safer to use around the puppy.  That way if she grabbed the block and booked down the hall with it... she wouldn't get poked in the mouth.  Not that I am speaking from experience or anything -- she may or may not try and steal everything I am holding. 

Here is a sideways view of the block all put together.  Really liking this one!

If you look closely you can see I even have ants on this one -- fabric ants that is -- green ones.  Check out the picture, you'll see what I mean.  Cool fabric, isn't it?

So, now I have a grand whopping three finished.  I am taking the 'slow' paced quilt along a little too slowly, but enjoying every step.  And I'm ok if this one isn't finished until fall.  I am really trying to embrace the whole there's no rush or deadline, just enjoy the process thing on this one! 

Although, I have to admit that seeing all the finished blocks and tops makes me want to get a move on already.  And then I remind myself that it is about to be hot as the dickens here in NY... definitely not snuggling under a quilt weather.


Happy Garden (king sized)
I still have to finish the quilting on this one -- I have so little left, but have just felt too lazy to get that whopper back out and put my free motion foot on.  Lame, lame, lame!   

Crewel Spring Flowers
Nada -- poor pretty flowers.

Katie Fiber Art
No action here.

You Can Sew-a-thon!!
Adding this back to the list.  You haven't heard of it??... check it out here or read about our first project (Strawberry Pincusion).
This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats 
Last WiP Wednesday Total: 5
New Projects: 1 (added Sew-a-thon back on)
Finished Projects: 0
Total WiP's: 6 (up one)

---Linking to W.I.P. Wednesday with Lee at Freshly Pieced---

Much love for Japan


  1. I LOVE the x marks the spot quilt!! Fandango is one of my favorite lines!! SO pretty!

    Your bottled rainbow blocks are awesome (and I want some chocolate now too!!)

    I totally know what you mean about the hassel of changing to the free motion foot and dragging out the quilt. Good luck with the motivation!! :)

    And your puppy is SO cute!!!!!

  2. All those pretty colours in X marks the spot remind me of summer kisses! Love the little green ants on your blue block! So cute.
    Looking forward to you can sew-a-thon again! :)

  3. That's so funny. The only quilt I have that I totally designed myself I called X Marks the Spot as well! You'll have to come over and see it at my blog. I've got the front and back done but still need to pin and quilt it. Anyway, love your little ants! Those are so adorable! And your X quilt is very cute as well. Love the colors!

  4. Love the quilt! It's soooooo hard to get anything done when so much cuteness is running around!
    xx, shell

  5. The X quilt is looking good. Love the bottled rainbows! I love the using the scraps part and have such cute motifs accented that way!

  6. Your progress makes me want to head out and do something new!...so I will finish the curtains I am working on!!

    lovely and energetic post!

  7. Great job on all your projects!! Love the fabrics in the X marks the spot quilt. I know what you mean about puppies in the sewing room....my yorkie has to investigate everything and steal a few things too!!

  8. Woof! Woof! With 2 dogs (1 puppy) n still have time to sew ... that's wonderful. LOVE your projects. My mom want to make a pillow with a quilt look on the front ... just like what you did (on your last photo). She just need to learn how to do the edges ... Happy Sewing. Golden Woofs to Sammy n Katie. :)Sugar

  9. Hi Christie! I'm slowly coming back from a brake and missing so much sewing! Your new quilt is so great! I love the fabrics and that design of yours! I wish I could start a quilt like that just right now!
    Bottled rainbows are beautiful and I'm sure they are so enjoyable to make!
    Give my kisses to your puppies!
    xxx Teje

  10. I really like your quilt, lovely design and fabric choices!

  11. I love the looks of the X quilt. and your bottled rainbow blocks are looking nice.


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