
First Walk of the New Year

I have been happy to let the first few days of the new year slowly unwind.  For me, unwinding mostly happens outside, with the dogs, in the woods.  Sunshine is an extra bonus!

So sit back, pour a cup of tea, take a deep breath, and come on our first walk of 2012!

We're still donning blaze orange to assure we are taken for dogs and people and not deer or coyotes.

Nothing but the open road in front of us.

Silhouettes of trees and the sparkle of the lake.

Noisy brooks and streams for company full from all the recent rains.

Fresh deer hooves in the mud and the scent of them in the wind.

Sisters, sniffing together.  Sammy learning the way of the woods.

Couldn't help but snap Sammy's "taking in the woods" pose as she is tangled around a small tree.

Lots of smiling and sniffing along the way.  Pure joy comes so easily here.

Left over moss and ferns look like green gems against the gray.

Katie and Sammy asking if I am done taking pictures. 

I can just hear them, "Can we go now?"

Jumping on rocks... one does and then the other. 

Taking a look all around.

Then back to the trail... nose to the ground.

Taking in the lake.  Lightly coated with a smidgen of ice, but looking so fresh and blue.

Nothing like dipping a paw in to check the temperature and chase at a fallen leaf.

No substitute for a walk with my buddies to clear my mind, rebalance and get a fresh perspective!

Today's Tea Bag Wisdom: "Your greatness is measured by your gifts, not by what you have."


  1. I enjoyed that walk Christie! At least the sun is shining where you are! It's been very wet and windy, and gloomy and gray in Belgium, nothing like the blue skies I see reflected in the lake! By the way, I love that "can we go now?" photo, so cute!
    Happy New Year Christie, I hope 2012 brings you and your loved ones lots of happiness and joy!

  2. Your dogs are so cute! I love them :]


  3. Marvellous shots on your walk.

  4. I loved the cyber walk with you and your two pals. Just looking at your dog's sweet faces makes me melt. Happy New Year.
    Joyce M

  5. What a gorgeous spot to take in some clean fresh air. I really need to get out and take a walk. Hey, I have no excuse. It felt like Spring today. Wouldn't it be fun to live a dogs life? Maybe just for a day. lol! Love your pooches!

  6. Hi Christie! Thank you for taking us with you for a lovely walk! Katie and Sammy are so adorable and sweet! x Teje


    love the blue blue lake. Where the heck is winter!?
    : )

    Happy New year friend


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