
Unplugging Felt Right!

I'm back.  Didn't know I was going to be gone for a week, but it did feel good to unplug a bit. 

I'm looking forward to catching up with you and your blogs... I have over 500 posts in my reader, but will make my way through them shortly.  I'm sure there is some great inspiration in that reading!! 

What have I been up to?  Mostly family stuff.  Lots of getting outside, soaking in sunshine, and training Sammy.  We even ripped out the old floor in our laundry room and are in the process of putting down new tile.  My kind of way to spend a long holiday weekend!  Never a dull moment in the Happy family. 

Did I mention we hiked a bunch over the weekend too?  The long walks are good exercise for us all, but they are especially good for draining all that excess puppy energy!

Our walks are through a preserved woods trail around a lake and there are lots of fallen logs that we simply hop over.  

Watch out Katie... Sammy is coming through!

Want to see Sammy jump one more time?  She is lining up.  Making her approach. 

And whoosh!  She is over it so elegantly.  And just look at those ears flopping as she jumps!

So, where was I?  Ah yes, precious, relaxing family time.  A reminder to take in the small things and linger a little longer than our busy schedules allow most times. 

A a chance to have the biggest belly laughs at puppies with sticks.  The simple things!! 

Hope you had a stellar weekend and look forward to showing you my latest finish later today! (hint... it's the dress challenge!!)


  1. I enjoyed that walk in the woods with the dogs ! Lots of fresh air and gorgeous shots. Thank you !

  2. The air is cool here like Autumn this morning, and I can almost smell the woods you are walking through. The boys loved the shots of Sammy jumping. :)

  3. Such beautiful animals to enjoy while you took a little break. Welcome back!


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