The following story stars our one year old puppy Sammy. She has taken what I thought was an innocent interest in laundry time.... but it may not be so innocent.
I'll set the opening scene.
{Scene I: The laundry has been washed, dried and collected in a laundry basket to be taken upstairs to be folded and put away. Sammy circles the basket with hungry eyes.}
Sammy has been known to take an item or two and run around the house with the item in her mouth. Innocent enough, right? Well, I don't think so. It seems she focuses her attention on my under garments and she may also be doing a bit of chewing on said under garments.
Yes, it appears that I am blindly putting away the under garments that Sammy has run around the house with (not taking any notice of possible chewing) and then wearing them some days later.
{Scene II: I'm at work. I finally take notice of the chewing (it's not on a sock). Arggg!!}
All was solved by a quick run out to a department store and I guess the ones she chewed were in need of replacing anyway.. but man 'o man that puppy has been trying our patience lately. You can also add a pair of flip flops to the list of things she's destroyed this week.
It's a darn good thing she's cute.
What has your puppy (or dog or cat) done lately that has made you laugh?
Ooops, I'm happy you said she made you laugh! Well I have to say that I'm not laughing with our 'problem' - everyone is getting older and has a little problem 'keeping their pee'. And I think Foxy sometimes just forgets that she should go out! Oh, oh and oh, fortunately they are so sweet and our best friends! x Teje