
A Little Birdie Wants to Tell You...

...I'm being featured at Quilt Story today!!  Hippity hop on over there to take a looksie!

Heather and Megan, thank you so much for shining a light on my work!  I so enjoy reading your blog and participating in Fabric Tuesdays -- it's such a cool feeling to see my quilt on your pages! You've really made me smile!!

To celebrate I would like to show you a project I found yesterday that has captured my imagination and my sewing needle -- and they work up quick!  I happily stumbled on Spool Sewing and Laura's amazing bird pattern.  You can get the free pattern there too!

It goes a little something like this.  Pick two fun complimenting fabrics.  A few quick snips of the pattern like so...

 Pin your pieces right sides together and sew up the edges and head like the instructions point out.

Turn that bird right side out... and stuff with left over snips of batting from previous quilt that you didn't know what you would do with... but knew you couldn't throw away.

And the next thing you knew you are ready to sew up the tail and greet your new feathered friend!!  I think I shall call him Pierre.

These little birds are so cute!  I already have about ten combo's in my head and even more people that I would like to make a few for.  But guess what?  I am going to share one with one of you!!

Yes, you heard right!  It wouldn't be a celebration without a little party gift! 

Leave a comment with something that makes you happy -- and you're in (each person will get one entry) ...and this little birdie (maybe a different fabric combo) will fly to any stretch of the globe.  Entries will be closed next Wednesday the 15th of December and a winner drawn. 

Good luck and thank YOU for all you do to keep me motivated and inspired!!


  1. congrats, this is wonderful.. but there is no picture of your dog on the article!
    Your bird is lovely and if I ever get some time before Christmas, I will make some!

  2. Woof! Woof! Very NICE. Will definitely check it out. You inspired my mom to learn how to a quilt ... piecing seems to be the hardest. She's thinking she might join one of the sewing project blog feature. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Well nice to meet you Pierre...you wanna come live with me?? Love that little bird, so cute! And thank you for letting us feature your great quilt!

  4. I love your blog - it is so happy, and the happy little birdie is super cute.
    Congrats on being featured on QuiltStory, that's how I found this little trip to happy land.

  5. My doggie Buddy unfailingly makes me happy - I just can't be said when he does his funny whole body wag - on the way to the treat cupboard generally! :D

  6. my grandchild Hope makes me happy :)

    I love the bird and I think Pierre is a fine name for him

  7. The scent of summer in the air after a ripping summer storm, the giggle of my one year old son when he sees something that you or I would normally miss, and giving gifts to others makes me happy! :)

  8. Congrats, Christie! Your quilt deserves it!

  9. Go girl! Congratulations - your quilt is lovely.
    What makes me happy? Extra long baby naps!!!

  10. Congrats...I see a cable tv show in your future. ;)

  11. Oh my goodness congrats, you are so talented!!!

  12. Congrats! And that bird is stink'n cute!

  13. Well I am coming over to enter YOUR little giveaway :-) So cute! What makes me happy? Lovely bloggers like you!

  14. My first visit to your lovely blog, and Im folling in love with it,
    You have so many things to share,
    I posted your Origami Pine Tree tutorial in my new blog
    I linked to you, hope its ok.

    I would love to win this giveaway


It means a lot that you have come here! You most certainly make me Happy when you leave a comment! I treasure each comment you share!