

This is the second month I am participating in this fun photo adventure hosted by Compai and the design blog Minted Condition

It's called STYLE.PLAY.WORK.SHOP. and is designed to be a fun experiment in styling a still life with household objects.  In Round III, we were asked to use the following objects:

Wrapped Gift, Something Spherical, Calendar, Cookie

My assistant was handy as usual!

"Hey maw?  Whatcha doin'?  Can I be in the photo?  That cookie looks good.  Can I lick your milk glass when you are done?"

I did end up adding a plate and glass of milk to this set of objects for a more full story.

I had fun playing with the lighting and how it can change the mood of the photo.

I think it started to look like a mini scene of a child leaving milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.

I definetly had fun playing around.  I didn't do much for rearranging the objects, but I think I will challenge myself with that for the next one.

I have also started to notice that I have an orientation to brightly colored things.

Please check out the other participants in this flickr group here and also if this has you smiling ear to ear and you would like to join in, then please head here to find out about what objects we will be presented with in the next round!!

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