
Happy Quilting Fool!

I'm a happy quilting fool over here.  There is definitely a relationship between the amount of sewing I can squeeze in and the size of the smile on my face.  And this week, it's a big smile!


Tribal - Happy Quilt-a-long
I gave a rather in depth update on Tribal yesterday and couldn't be happier with how it's looking!! 

As of last night I still had pieces of Tribal on my machine as I carefully assembled the top...and painstakingly made sure all the lines and points matched up! 

It looked something like this.

And... guess what?  Last night, I finished sewing the whole top together.  Whoohooooo~!!

So pretty!

And remember I said I had picked out the binding for Tribal already?  Well, would you like to know what it's going to be?

-drum roll-

Oh, ya.  Leopard.

It's wild, it's fitting... and I have two large rolls of pre-made leopard binding needing a purpose.  So hey, why not, right?  I don't suppose there is anyone out there that would want some pre-made leopard binding?

Onward.  I am hoping to get this quilt sandwiched and ready for quilting tonight.  And looking for a finished quilt by the weekend. 

Central Park Pin Wheels
Still my all time favorite!!  Shhhh... don't tell the other quilts.

I am still in the process of hand sewing the binding down and it looks a little something like this at the moment.  I think I have finished all of about 8 inches so far.

I could probably finish this one up and have it ready for a wash and it's grand unveiling photos by the weekend!

X Marks the Spot 
I am ready to dive right back into this one and have several ideas on how the layout will be -- I am making the design up on the fly with this one.  I have pulled the basket containing all the pieces out and I can see this hitting the design wall as early as tomorrow.

Crewel Spring Flowers
While not technically quilting, I will include it anyway.  It's slow, but relaxing.  I have no self imposed deadline and I am doing my best just to enjoy my time spent quietly coloring in this flowery piece.
I finished the second square of lavender flowers.
Here is the start on the third flower box.  I am enjoying the red and blue combo so far!  I also started working with a smaller hoop and finding it a bit easier to maneuver.
Have we talked about yarn organization?  I don't think so.  The yarn came in a bit 'ole lump.  Tangled, messy, not my style. 
I attempted to organize with this piece of reused cardboard and made a fatal flaw of wrapping the yarns around the board.  While pretty, it's not easy to take one strand off.  Beginners mistake. 
But you have to admit it is pretty to see all those rainbow colors together! 
I saw an organizer at the store and didn't spend the $2 to purchase it.  Silly, I know.  But I have a feeling I will be making one over the next few days to get this yarn in order.
--BACK BURNER-- *cricket, cricket*

You Can Sew-a-thon! - no progress
Tulip Runner - no change here in cricketsville.

This is a bonus picture. 

My version of the best use of a quilt. Ever!  Yes, those are Katie's toes sticking out from under a quilt.  The other half of her (including her head) is snuggled in my lap. 

I just love how this dog adores being snuggled and wrapped up in a quilt.  That's happiness at it's finest!

This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats 
Last WiP Wednesday Total: 6 (up one from last week)
New Projects: 1
Finished Projects: 0
Total WiP's: 6 (I am expecting two finishes next week!)

---Linking to W.I.P. Wednesday---


  1. Those crewel flowers are impressive, I've never done anything like that! All your WIPs are looking fabulous, as always. Thanks for linking up, have a wonderful week, and stay happy! : )

  2. I love the quilts I really wish I could sew. I just don't know how to get things all together. I have a grandbaby on the way I would soooo love to be able to make a handmade quilt for him/her!

    I can do stitch work and I LOVE the Crewel work you have done very nice!!

    Nothing beats the love of a good dog huh? =0)

    Thanks for stopping in on my blog and enjoying our little trip to Hawaii together!

  3. No wonder you have a big smile, so much sewing!

  4. wow... how do you have time for all this? =)

  5. Hello Christie! You have good progress with your quilts! I think that leopard winding is perfect for those colours! Your next quilt in that lovely basket looks interesting - I love those happy colours! I would like to make som gross stitching but when?!
    Most qute thing is to have a dog on your lap with beautiful quilt!
    Best wishes from Teje and Nero


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