
Vegetables and Herbs Get a Start!

On Sunday, I did a different kind of sewing ... I was sowing... as in planting seeds.  With spring now here, I got the gentle nudge I needed to get my tomatoes, hot peppers, and herbs going.  Can't wait to get the big outside veggie garden going this year!!

I am pretty sure I saw this idea somewhere... but not sure where it was anymore, argg!  I used nearly thrown out paper towel and toilet paper tubes cut into small sections to form seed pots!  I'm excited that I can even plant these right into the ground with the baby plant.  Neat, right?  And cheapo!!  And recycling!!  The plastic trays I used are also recycled as they are what our chinese takeout comes in.

Other ideas for recycled/green pots came from MB at EarthHuggy -- she uses reused take out containers, yogurt cups, and even makes origami newspaper pots that can be planted right into the ground!!  My mother in law even said I could use eggs shells -- as in break them in half, (use the egg for a yummy breakfast), and then rinse the shells, fill with dirt and plant!  The shell adds calcium to help the plant grow!! 

I start my tomatoes and herbs early and here is a look at what I planted so far!  The baby tomatoes are new this year and I'm happy to have found jalapeno seeds before they were all sold out!

So, two trays, two paper towel rolls and two toilet paper tubes worth of planters.

Filled to the brim with dirt.  Ran my fingers around the tubes to clean the dirt off them and be able to see all the sections again.

Grabbed a few pairs of wooden chopsticks that we keep laying around.  Split them apart and then broke them in half to use as plant markers.  (so I can hopefully figure out what plant is what)

I just used a small sharpie marker to write the plant names on the sticks.  

Isn't dirt just beautiful?  Seriously!  And the contrast of the white tomato seed is just marvelous!

Here is today's Monday quiz (I totally just made that up randomly!) .... ready? .... what kind of seeds do I have in the palm of my hand?  They really are tiny tiny!!

-*-I may even have a little something to send to a few of you if you get to the correct answer.  Anyone can play!-*-

Check your seed packets for planting depth and then just tuck them all in to their respective spots.  Here are my two trays sown with seeds and watered.  Grow baby, grow!

In true Describe Happy style, we will be checking back often to see the progress they make over the next few weeks.  You can find a few of last years seed posts here and here .  It looks like I am starting my seeds a full month ahead of last year -- which is wonderful, I was a bit late getting things started last year. 

Here is a peak at some of the new additions planned for this years garden.  I haven't yet measured to see exactly how much space I need for everything, but I am certain I will be creative in finding the space I need!  I also want to give carrots and potatoes a try.  I wonder what on earth a carrot seed looks like.  Ok, I'm a nerd... I googled it and there are so many different types.  We will have to take a closer look at the ones I pick up later.

Oh, and did you know you can simply plant a potato eye in a mount and it will make potatoes?  I had no idea.  Shows how much I have to learn.  I think you have to use certain types of potatoes... anyway I am looking forward to the challenge of harvesting my first potatoes this year! 

I am hoping to get in some needle and thread sewing tonight.  In the meantime, get your hands in some dirt soon if you can... it's great happiness therapy!

Much love for Japan


  1. Something to keep in mind when starting your potatoes - try and get them from the farmer's market and make sure they haven't been sprayed. Sometimes the potatoes at the grocery stores are sprayed with something that inhibits them from sprouting! Great for storing on a shelf, but bad for planting. Happy Spring!

  2. I have been wanting to do the "tubes" think for the past few years... except I always leave it too late as I'm usually busy either nesting or with a new baby! Maybe this year I'll give it a go :)

    At a guess I would say that they are oregano seeds. Oh, and you won't be sorry for planting it. I love the smell of oregano in the warm sun. Mmmm

    Hope you have a sunshiney day!
    S xxx

  3. This is a great idea. Ive totally got gardening feaver so maybe this will be my fix. I would love for you to come by and link this up at our blog on thursday for our first ever link party!

  4. Smart! My kids think it's so cool that you can put a potatoe or pepper or corn in the earth, and it will grow more of the same. Pretty Awesome!

    We can't plant here until AFTER mid May when the frosty nights are over & the snow is all gone. Though the rhubarb, strawberries and lettuce do great earlier.

    : )

  5. S and I are really jealous that you got to start planting your herbs. It's still just a wee bit too cold out here.

    Last year we only planted three things: cherry tomatos, basil and rosemary. Having the basil around to make fresh pesto was amazing. Also, rosemary is pretty cool b/c it's almost impossible to mess it up.

  6. I was going to do newspaper pots, but this looks even easier!

    Thanks for the idea~

  7. You are full of great ideas! love the chopsticks for plant markers too ;)
    And potatoes start from 'seed potato' which you then cut into chunks and plant. Can't wait to see the seedlings! Thanks for linking to Eat, Grow, Sew.

  8. Looks great! I've never thought of using chopsticks as plant markers before. Oh and planting seeds into egg shells sounds like a nice idea too - I'm going to try it!
    Good luck with your veggie garden!


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