
Hands in the Dirt & Water: Dogs Go Swimming Part III

Hands in the Dirt

I admit aside from harvesting cucumbers, lettuce, jalapenos, the first tomato, basil, cilantro, and stalking my strawberries (the chipmunk is still eating these before I can)... I haven't done a lot of gardening of late.  I also noticed that the fawns (or it may have been the woodchuck/s) have eaten most of the flowers that aren't fenced to include my peppermint, daisies, and sweet william, and others.  I didn't keep up with spraying my liquid fence... uggg! 

And remember all those beautiful apples that were growing?  They are all but are missing.  I have seen the squirrels eating them; guess they were really hungry.  Another reminder to self... to spray/defend crops.

Let's take a look at what is blooming!  The bee balm is holding strong (and nothing has eaten it); in fact the purple is peaking and just lovely!  I also have this tall flower with the bunches of purple flowers at the top (top left photo).  It's pretty! 

I have another peculiar red flower... I think I remember planting it as a bulb last year.. it didn't bloom and I just figured something ate the bulb (bottom left photo).  Nice surprise!  After a quick search I think it might be a Crocosmia!

I also have noticed other inhabitants.  Like this big green caterpillar... a little search is calling him a Antheraea polyphemus.  Which is fancy scientist for moth.  But, neat still! 

And do you see the "humming bird bug" hovering near the purple bee balm below?  A little search is calling that one a Spinx Moth.  Yup, I am totally enjoying all this outdoor stuff!

Hands in the Water

When we last talked about dogs swimming in the lake here and here Sammy had gotten this far... paws in and tasting the water.

Well, yesterday our little water pup took a huge leap in growing up. 

She swam. 

All on her own. 

Like she was born to swim.  So excited to see her making leaps and bounds like this!

The both jumped in the water, blew bubbles, drank water, doggy paddled and splashed around and then they would run back out of the water to shake off. 

The mister and I were reward with two very tired dogs at the end of it.  What an awesome way to cap off a long weekend!! 

Linking to:
~Outdoor Wednesday with Southern Daydreamer
~Cottage Flora Thursday's at Fishtail Cottage~

Much love for Japan


  1. Squirrels and apple trees are a rough combination. My grandmother had an apple tree and the squirrels had amazing aim -- the would hit us on the head with them.

  2. I believe that purple flower is flox. There is one variety that blooms in the spring and is a ground cover, and then there is a tall kind, such as the one in your photo. Very pretty.

  3. Thank you for a wonderful post! Love all the cute photos and the video of Sammy's first swim!
    xxx Teje

  4. Woof! Woof! Happy Monday! You guys had a lovely adventure. Golden Swim is FUN! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
    FYI: received your email. we did visit madame's blog n left a message. Read her post n Super Golden Excited

  5. Beautiful garden! That is one interesting looking caterpillar.

    Aww, too cute to see the dogs laying together. Looks like they are really bonding. =) I wish my older doggie would bond with our new puppy... He absolutely adores her but she is annoyed by his high energy!

  6. I love how Katie reacted to Sammy swimming - what a sweet big sister!! Sorry the critters are dining on all of your hard work in the garden :(

  7. Love the caterpillar! I saw one the other day but didn't have my camera. Your nature photos are wonderful!

  8. Well I loved your garden pictures ... and then I reached the pics of the pups and fell in love. That last picture is fabulous -- tells a story, doesn't it?

    Love the video.

    and whoever identified that pinky purply flower as Phlox is right. It is Phlox. Funny word, isn't it, Phlox? "Come quick, honey -- Rover is phloxing on the good rug!"

    Best wishes -- Cass

  9. Life in the garden is full of surprises and that's what makes it interesting.
    I enjoyed seeing your dogs, the last photo of them napping together is priceless. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great dogs! can they be enlisted to help defend the garden! Larry

  11. They were really enjoying the water!! Loved the video!

  12. your dogs are beauties,, just beautiful!!

  13. They sure love the water! Beautiful pups!


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