
Creative Tuesday: Thank You / Thanksgiving (#46)

It's Creative Tuesday and gosh I haven't fit this creative stretching in since September.  Whoa! 

Wondering what a Creative Tuesday is?  Every two weeks we grab our pads and something to color with to create for the theme over at Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesday's assignment -- neat, no?

This week's theme is Thanksgiving or Thank You.  I could be really literal for the holiday or just express a gracious feeling in my rendering.  Well, I have to admit that I still have logs and firewood on my brain and that's all that kept coming out in my sketches.  So, I embraced it. 

Here is the pen ink drawing.  That's Katie on the left and Sammy on the right.  Yup, the golden retrievers that rule my existance.  And this looks a whole lot like a certain picture from this post I think, but you be the judge.

And in the spirit of trying new things and the whole creative stretching I decided to color it in both with GIMP (a GNU image manipulation program -- free to download) and also with markers and color pencils. 

First up.  The version I colored on the computer. 

I do like the way I can audition colors for different things with GIMP.  I also like that I can have any 'ole color I can dream up in my coloring box.  What do you think?

And here is the more traditional markers and color pencils version.  I have to admit that the coloring of the pups didn't come out nearly at all.  They were a lot more yellow/golden in my version, but again I'll embrace the way it was scanned.

And because I can't stop mucking with things.. I took the marker and color pencil version back into GIMP and added a canvas texture.  Oh, this stuff is just so much fun!!

And I do apologize if I didn't get the words just right.  I was sketching along and then realized the instructions asked for either Thanksgiving, or Thank you -- geez, can we just chalk it up to getting back into the swing of things?  I'll try harder next time :)

I hope you consider joining in this or the next assignment (really hope you do) and please take a look other artists in the community here.   


  1. Hey, it's Katie and Sammy! Very cute and they are grateful looking! :)

  2. Oh we love it!!! How creative!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  3. Oh my, this is so sweet...and I would add my thanks for our little "Molly" who we are very thankful for.

    I love that you used you darling dogs for your Thanksgiving Theme.

  4. love all your versions and best of all it has your beautiful pets!

  5. Those are just soooo great!

  6. I like your idea of various colors and sketches on the same picture. Nice job...:)

  7. However you say it, I think your thankful drawings are so much fun! (It is so great to be able to see all of the different version)

    I don't think I've ever heard of gimp? I'll have to check it out :)


  8. Oh a few of my favourite things: happiness, gratitiude and dogs. Lovely.

  9. Regardless of the wording - I think it's fab. Your subjects are just gorgeous. :) That's a neat editing program. It's amazing the difference "canvass" makes to your sketch!!! Who would have thought?
    Hope you're having a great week - we are roasting here (30 deg C here today - 86 F - yep I'm a sook!).

  10. Lovely drawing, the dogs are a cute touch and like how you have portrayed thanksgiving

  11. Love the different versions. Such a lovely cute drawing.

  12. CHRISTIE!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)....

    Oh that is OK, "Give thanks" and "thanksgiving" are so close. It works! you simply flipped the words, basically. I'm just glad you came here and joined in! We've missed you! And yes, since SEPTEMBER! cough-cough. :)

    BTW, wasn't sure which one to use for montage so went with the computer coloured one. I love it--love the textures too.

    Ty so much for joining in CT again. Always love to read your posts on these. BTW, your costume for H was fun, wasn't it? !

  13. Love the colors. Very creative.

  14. You are just so creative Christie!!


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