
Creative Tuesday: Simply Darling (#64)

This weeks Creative Tuesday challenge was to create something that represents Simply Cute or Simply Darling.  Being a southern bell at heart I couldn't resist going with darling.

And I'm sure you see where this is headed.  I mean are puppies darling, right?

I say yes.

So, I picked a picture of Sammy (the one year old golden) and tried a to me new technique of painting on fabric.  I'm smitten with how the paint spreads and mixes and excited about what I have planned next for this piece.

In case your wondering the paint is called PROfab transparent which I sourced from Pro Chemical & Dye.  And I am painting on white cotton that is prepared for dye (PFD).

In the next phase of this work, I will be making a quilt sandwich (adding batting and backing) and then trying my hand at some thread painting to add texture and dimension.  I'm thinking that this will be the piece I enter in Lily Pad Quilting's Pets On Quilts in August.

Pets on Quilts

Yes, you will have to wait a whole month (give or take) to see this evolve.  Apologies in advance, but I promise it will be worth the wait. 

And I can already tell that I am going to want to make one of these for Katie.  And I'm already toying around with the idea of going bigger.  Like way, bigger.  monster. created.  Awesome!

And.. in case you'd like to join in the fun on this creative meme... you have a whole extra week to get your doodle on for Simply Cute or Simply Darling.  Read more and hope you join us!

Wishing you puppy licks and sunshine!


  1. oh this is awesome! I love the idea of pets on quilts too - really great and oh so darling!

  2. Squeal!!!!!!! This is just fantastic. FABULOUS job with the paint. I just love it.

  3. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!


    love it.

    Maybe I should do Pippin, my canary : )

    SUPER goin' Christy!!!


  4. That is truly "Darling"...what a unique way to express your puppy.

    A quilt, a pillow...looks like you have a lot of great ideas ahead.

  5. Hi Christie! Happy Independence day!
    This Sammy's quilt is going to be really special! I want to catch my colours and start to pain! You have a wonderful idea and have painted Sammy really well! Just have to wait to see the stitching ...
    x Teje

  6. This is really well done, and very cute!

  7. This is so creative! Can't wait to see more.

  8. Wow, this is coming along so well. Good for you in trying something new, it is proving so worth it. From the sound of how you are going to finish this, it sounds vey exciting.

  9. Definitely cute! And so well done, too! I really like the look of paint on fabric! Hope you show us the final project, too!

  10. You did a fantastic job with this. Detail is outstanding, almost looks photographic to a point. The lifelike nature is stunning to me, and that it was on fabric is even more astounding to me. Very cute and impressive. Thanks

  11. On fabric! This is wonderful...and Sammy is very CUTE.

  12. what an adorable pup! I can tell you love him a lot :D the idea of a pet on quilt is soooo cool

  13. Fabric painting really intimidates me but so glad you go boldly there with this precious piece. Please do leave a comment on Ct when down so we can see it again later. GREAt job, christie. TY. Exciting.

  14. PUPPIES ARE DARLING! I too want to see this piece again later, it's so inviting and warm-- it really does make me think of labs and goldens, they have such happy faces and always look at you like they just want a pat on the head. Love this great work!

  15. OH my goodness. I must of missed this post. That is so fantastic :)


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