
Rainbow Quilt {All Finished}

I'm so bad.  I can't believe I left you hanging like that.  And teasing you with the likes of quilting the Rainbow quilt, and talking about how it's done, but then skipping right to the using it part and not taking photos.  If anything it's just a testament to how much I'm enjoying this finish. 

Here is a quick photo of the quilt before I threw it in the wash for the first time.  Always a nerve wrecking moment!

An up close look at the flower quilting. ~love!~

And the moment we've all be waiting for.... here is what the ticker tape quilting looks like after one run through the wash.  I'm totally digging the soft frilled edges of the scraps!

I did have a bit of thread cutting once it came out of the dryer, but it's totally worth the effort.  Did I mention it's soft?

So many colors and so many memories all wrapped into one.  Nearly each scrap holds dear memories for me and reminds me of past projects.

I can already see it's going to be the perfect throw around quilt for the summer.  It would be easy to take it to the beach or throw an impromptu picnic.

The back of the quilt features a sheet from when I was a kid.  The sheet is so tender and soft and really adds to the memories contained in the fibers.

A better look at the reverse flower quilting.  Yes, I quilted this one upside down and traced the flowers for my quilting pattern.  It's a technique I definitely see myself using again on a future quilt.

See what I mean about the picnic potential?  I'll bring the sun tea... all we need is chips and salsa.  And yes, I'm one of those that really use a quilt to bits.  This particular beauty had coffee on it (courtesy of one small blonde puppy) within hours of it leaving the dryer. 

And more proof that it's already well employed and being loved. 

Hope you're off to a great start to the week.  Now, go hug a quilt you love and think about all the stitchy love that went into creating it!


  1. That looks fantastic! I just love the technique, and the quilting!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love it! Got to work on mine today, especially since I'm adding 4 more blocks than it calls for!

  3. Way to finish! I love this rainbow, so neat to see all the stages of it! And the quilting is ingenious! love it!

  4. Your creative energies are awe inspiring.

  5. What a brilliant idea for the quilting! I love your one of a kind ideas. Very pretty quilt!

  6. Christie, it looks amazing! You must be so pleased with it. I think those daisies quilted onto it work a treat and so nice to be wrapped in all those memories!

  7. Pretty, pretty, pretty! Question... Did you put interfacing or anything like that behind the fabric so only the edges of the scraps fray in the wash?

  8. This quilt is gorgeous!! I have been thinking about a ticker tape quilt for a while but I was afraid of the raw edges. Thanks for the close-up photos of the post-wash quilt. Now that I've seen it, I'm not as scared :-).

    I love how you've blocked the colors. I think this is my favorite ticker tape quilt of all the ones I've seen. And those quilted flowers?? Spectacular!

  9. It looks fabulous!!! I just love how you've quilted the flowers. I've only just made my first quilt, so I've loved looking at your quilts tonight. I'm learning so much...

  10. What a gorgeous quilt! I have started several quilts but never can manage to finish them. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday! Hope to see you tomorrow.

  11. BRILLIANT!!!!! Never would have considered quilting upside down and the light bulb went off- the flowers are perfect with the quilt top! (Yes, the blue NY Giants block is my favorite)


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