
WIP: {Rainbow is Quilted!}

Well, there I was last night tracing the daisies on the rainbow quilt and I got to the last one!  What a home run moment.  I enjoyed the free motion quilting practice and it was a wonderful opportunity to get to know my newly refurbed sewing table --which worked marvelously! -- but you know when you reach that moment on a quilt where you've had enough?  Yup, I was just getting to that point.  Thank goodness I was in the homestretch.

It's going to get it's first wash today and I am on pins and needles to find out how the scraps on the front fray and get softer with a wash.  And so as not to leave you totally hanging, here is sneaky peak of what those flowers look like on the front.  If you remember, I've been quilting this one upside down and I couldn't be happier with the results.  Oddly enough, the Mister even said how much he liked this quilt.  Cool huh?

With the Bottled Rainbows project wrapping up I can feel myself mentally moving on.  So, let's take a look at the updated project list and talk about where I'm headed next. 

I do have my triangles mostly cut and the beginnings of the arrangement on my design wall for Patchwork Prism, but need some uninterrupted time to get that one to the point of sewing the pieces together.  Need to finish this by June 25th to be considered for the amazing prizes... not sure I'm going to make that deadline. 

You'll notice I also took the idea of hand sewing a separate triangle quilt off my list.  Funny how quickly I've had enough of triangles.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats:
Last WiP Wednesday Total: 9
New Projects: 0
Finished Projects: 1 (bottled rainbows is off to it's first wash!)
Total WiP's: 4

I'm taking liberties to refine my list and really only count what I'm working on, so with the finish, I'm only going to count four active projects (Prisms, Mushrooms, Hawk, and the City/State Landscape).  

Speaking of mushrooms, I wanted a project that I could hand sew and work on slowly throughout the summer.  I was going to do triangles, but since that desire has faded I looked at my list and decided I could do needle turned applique mushrooms.  Sounds so fancy, doesn't it?  I have started making a few mushrooms, but am still working out the design and the sizes.  I will hopefully have more to show next week.

But the quilt that is just begging to get attention is my hawk quilt.  I have had a hawk quilt in my head for nearly three months now and since it's not going away then I guess it's going to come out in fabric.  And it's perfect really because then I can enter it in the Wings and Things show coming up in October.  I did make some brown feather colored fabric over the weekend in my fabric painting adventure.  I have also been collecting photos and sketching.  Here is a page from my sketch book below.  And yes, I'm thinking of making three hawks for this quilt.  I must be out of my mind.

And I've thrown in a picture of the pups for good measure.  I still laugh... all that space on the trail and they have to walk smashed together.  Almost hard to tell if that's one dog or two, right? 

Hope your sewing time is plentiful and your creativity is never ending!


Teje Karjalainen said...

Wow Christie, your daily quilting is so wonderful - perfect idea!
And quilt with hawks ... I'm waiting to see what you have in your artistic mind! Katie and Sammy are always so sweet! They sure enjoy each others company! x Teje

Quiet Quilter said...

A little each day and you will be amazed how much you get done..but there is always that day that you Finish! And immediately the space in your schedule?? gets filled with something else..

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy the pictures you include of your dogs. It looks like you live in a very peaceful place.

Monika Kinner-Whalen (MySweetPrairie) said...

WOW. I don't know what I like better... your art, that quilt, or the chalkboord! ; ) You are terrific. Everything you make has 'happy' in it. I LOVE the blend of sewing and art. You are SO creative!

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