
The adventure has just begun!

On this day, two years ago, I married my best friend.

It was a 60 degree November day in NY.  The rain had stopped.  This mysterious fog had set in.  I put on a wedding dress and tied an orange ribbon around a bouquet of white roses.  As I walked down the spiral stair case I got to see my Mr. Happy smile ear to ear.  I think it was a moment where we were both realizing that today was the day we would marry each other.

We drove together, to one of our favorite hiking spots, talking the whole way about whether or not we were nervous or excited.  I was initially a bit nervous, but found the whole thing very calming, very natural.  We met the minister at the hiking spot.  Katie was all ready to go as our flower girl.  Our families arrived shortly after. 

We started the ceremony right before noon.  It was short and simple, but infused with words that held a lot of meaning for us.  Rings were exchanged and we were read this final blessing...

Old Apache Blessing (Author unknown)

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other.  Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.  Now there is no loneliness.  You are two bodies, but there is one life before you, and one home.  You will take each others hand and you’ll turn together to look at the road you traveled to reach this---the hour of your happiness.  It stretches behind you and the future lies ahead.  A long and winding road, whose every turn means discovery, old hopes, new laughter and shared tears.  May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years, May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth.  The adventure has just begun!

Then came the moment where we shared our first kiss as husband and wife.  (and yes those titles still sound funny!)

Once the ceremony was through, we both had the biggest smiles on our faces.  I like to remember that moment.  I hope we can always be those two crazy in love happy's! 

We celebrated the rest of the day with cupcakes, dinner, and lots of merriment!

And they lived happily ever after!!

Mr. Happy, I love you so much.  I am so proud of all we have been able to accomplish together and feel like the luckiest girl to share my life with you. 


Last year's anniversary thoughts and more wedding details can be found here.


  1. Hey Christie...Congrats on your Anniversary, being married to your best friend is the best, I know from experience...:o)
    Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my little blog and leaving a sweet message ! that makes ME happy ! I hope to see you again soon ! much love,

  2. Congrats to you two! I love the cupcakes you guys had.

  3. Thank you!! And yes, the best friend part is so key!

  4. I love that Blessing, it's beautiful.
    Congrats and happy anniversary!

  5. This is so romantic it brought tears to my eyes. Happy happy Anniversary to you and Mr Happy!

  6. What lovely, heartfelt words.
    Happy anniversary Mrs & Mr Happy!

  7. Thanks for sharing your happiness - love the pics BTW! In January we are going to celebrate our 39th year together -I don't know what it would be if it was not a best-friend relationship! so I'm wishing you all the happiness life can bring with your hubby!

  8. Aww so sweet! And nice to know true love is out there!! :-) Congrats and many more years to come :-)


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