
Ten Day {Before, During, and After Snow}

Here are ten pictures from the last few days including all this crazy snow I alluded to.  I hope to be back up and sewing soon (still coming to you from no power; thank goodness for generators for the basics!!).

Sammy made her first trip to the Home Depot.  And has a lot of training to go, but seemed to love every moment of it!

I made Candy Corn sugar cookies for a Halloween party that never happened.  Snowed out.  We've enjoyed them either way.  Here is the site that shows the how to.

The snow started early on Saturday and the ground and trees were covered within an hour.  Still pretty at this point.

Snuggled up with a fire to get through the storm.

Sammy's first snow!!   She was tickled at the idea of playing, running, and eating it!  Even catching flakes.  She sure knows how to enjoy a good storm!

Katie looking adorable as she is covered in snow from playing.

Lost power which meant playing Monopoly by candlelight with the mister.  Sammy loved the game too as she tried to eat my properties and money. 

The next morning.  Sun was shining brightly... and rather beautiful.  But oh my goodness there are so many trees down, thirteen inches of snow, and a ton of clean up to do.  Not to mention that tree, a ninety foot oak, at the end of the drive is down on the power lines and over the driveway. 


But the sky and trees were so beautiful!!

And yet.  This big tree is causing a lot of work.  I'll feel better when it's all cleaned up and the power is restored.  At least our mailbox was spared.  See you all soon!! 


Snow Day(s)

We got the nearly one foot of snow they talked about for our area.  There are a ton of trees down, power is out -- thank goodness for the generator!  It may take a bit to clean up... back as soon as I can. 


Fall 2011 Bloggers’ Quilt Festival :: Big Blue

I am so excited to say that today is the start of the Fall Bloggers' Quilt Festival!!

These are put on twice a year by the amazing Amy from AmysCreativeSide and it's a fantastic reason to pour a cup of tea and read until you are so inspired you run off to start another quilt (or finish one!!) -- just click the button for all the other inspiring entries!


This time I am sharing a quilt named Big Blue, which I created for my husband (this is the quilt I shared last time).  I've been quilting for a few years now and had to laugh when my husband asked where his was.  And I was like... yup, it's time to make him one. 

His requirements were few.  He wanted something big since he's a tall guy (Big Blue is about 90'' x 90''), solid colors, not a lot quilting and he wanted it for October -- before it gets cold.  When I found this bundle of solid fat quarters I knew I was on the right track!

Pardon me Katie (she is our 4 1/2 year old golden), the nice readers would like the see the quilt for a moment.  Although, I admit you are a cutie!! 

Ah, there is it.  

Made of all solids.  Which is a fun first for me (going to link to TNT Thursday's at Happy Quilting to celebrate this first!).  And I am really digging this color combo of ice and dark blues, grays, and navy linen sashing!

For the quilting I kept it simple as requested with an outline around each of the color bricks in a light gray thread.

The backing is a very cuddly soft minky-like fabric in a dog hair friendly cream color.  And I think it's so cool how the bricks are echoed from the quilting!!  Great texture too!

And there you have it.  Now let's take a moment to take in all the blue quilty goodness!

Katie is always so interested when I am parading a quilt around looking for good spots to take photos.  She looks so small next to it.

Awesome contrast with the crackled back top.

Hi again Katie!  If the goldies can't resist it, you know it must be good!

A boy quilt needs to be properly pictured on a tractor, right?  It seems only natural.

I am also entering this quilt into Stitched in Color's Celebrate Color celebration!!
Celebrate Color

I have to laugh, this color combo doesn't really scream fall, but when you start to think of frosty mornings (grays), the evenings getting darker faster (navy and dark blues), clear crisp skies (near blacks) to take in star gazing (near white gray's), and the first bits of ice and frost (mid and deep blues)... all of those colors are in fact reflected in Big Blue.

It's really been a fun twist as I reflect on the last of falling leaves and mum's ending.  There are still so many colors to be enjoyed... just have to remember to look for them!  And wouldn't you know.. we had our first snow in NY last night.  Only about 1/2 inch.  But it really looked more blue-gray out this morning than the traditional bright fall oranges and reds.  Too funny!  And chilly!

Or if you look really closely at these pumpkin props... now it feels even more seasonal, doncha think?

I had a lot of fun pulling this quilt together.  And I hope you had a fun time checking it out with Katie and I!  Thank you for stopping in and leave a link below with your Festival quilt if you like... we'd love to pop in and say hi!

If you'd like here are some of the other related posts:
I'm linking up with these fun parties!!  See you there!

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