Oh how I adore Creative Tuesdays! Although, I think I have to admit something to you...
I haven't felt very good about this week's theme since I first read it. However, you would have never known that by looking at the results of this week's Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesday's assignment!
The theme that scared me so deeply was Valentine. I'm not that mushy... the mister and I don't really celebrate Valentines Day... we don't hold hands in public a lot... it's just not us.
That said....
Ta da! It's like a Prism Heart Zentangle (read about what a zentangle is here.)
I admit I went into it with such a bad attitude. Bad artist. Silly girl. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's ok if I don't see the finished idea in my head. It's ok to just pick up a pen and pad and start making lines. Then make a few more. Then a few more. I surprised myself with what began to appear once I pushed through my fears of not liking the results.
And I'm satisfied! I feel free and creative again. I *heart* Mr. Toast for metaphorically twisting my arm into these challenges each week. I am better for giving them my all.
I hope you will consider joining in this or the next assignment and check out other artists in the community here.
Breakfast Bar - almost done!
I shared with you last week here that we are getting closer to finishing the breakfast bar/pass through/hole in the wall between the kitchen and the dining room.
Well, this weekend it got some much needed color.
The mister and I agreed this would be the living area accent wall that I have been dreaming of. It's small enough that I can freshen the color often... and it's a fun place to put color to get that cozy dining effect that I love!
Here is where we were last... a mostly primed wall... errr.. hole.
You can see I put a little smudge of the color on the wall to the far right. I couldn't resist trying out the color as soon as we brought it home. Picking out color is so nerve-wrecking. I usually feel like I am making a huge mistake when I am at the store.
Luckily for me, Mr. Happy, as always, knew exactly what I was thinking and found me the perfect color.
Yup, he's a keeper for sure!
Ahhh.... fresh paint!
Harvest Brown. so very us! natural, earthy, simple!
Almost looks like cake batter in this pan doesn't it?
I started edging right away. Stepping back every so often to see how it was progressing.
This is hands down the darkest color I have ever painted on a wall in my entire life! You see I was a military brat growing up (living in mostly military housing) and I usually had a minimal selection of light colors to pick from -- if I even had the option to paintt all. And after that into my adulthood... I have rented. a lot.
Let's just say that posters and thumbtacks are my friend!
Feels so good to be able to put my own touch on our house... it really is becoming our home!
Here you can start to get an idea of what it's looking like. Warm, soft, comforting. Doesn't it seem like a place you can linger in and talk and laugh! Yup, that's what I am going for!
I am so so so very happy with the results! Did I remember to take an "I'm done" photo? Nope. (not yet)
I went straight from painting the wall to painting the inner edges of the doorway and pass through edges.
And then right on to our 15 foot catherdral ceilings. I know, I know. I'm hogging all this painting for myself. (ya, right) The ceiling is getting a good two coats of ceiling white to increase the openess and light in the room. I am painting over the icky faded off white -- so nice to say good riddens to the dingy old color. It is already making the room so much cleaner!
I still have at least one more day of paining to finish the ceiling over the entryway and in front of the kitchen. The new countertop should be installed this week -- wait till you see what we designed! I also still have to clean the room from top to bottom to erradicat spackle dust. The mister is painting the radiator covers and re-installing the molding.
And then I can put the living and dining rooms back together! Oh, and somewhere in there I get to shop for three bar stools to go with the new breakfast bar counter.
Can't wait to have my first sit and laughs at the hottest new eating spot on the block!!

Well, this weekend it got some much needed color.
The mister and I agreed this would be the living area accent wall that I have been dreaming of. It's small enough that I can freshen the color often... and it's a fun place to put color to get that cozy dining effect that I love!
Here is where we were last... a mostly primed wall... errr.. hole.
You can see I put a little smudge of the color on the wall to the far right. I couldn't resist trying out the color as soon as we brought it home. Picking out color is so nerve-wrecking. I usually feel like I am making a huge mistake when I am at the store.
Luckily for me, Mr. Happy, as always, knew exactly what I was thinking and found me the perfect color.
Yup, he's a keeper for sure!
Ahhh.... fresh paint!
Harvest Brown. so very us! natural, earthy, simple!
Almost looks like cake batter in this pan doesn't it?
I started edging right away. Stepping back every so often to see how it was progressing.
This is hands down the darkest color I have ever painted on a wall in my entire life! You see I was a military brat growing up (living in mostly military housing) and I usually had a minimal selection of light colors to pick from -- if I even had the option to paintt all. And after that into my adulthood... I have rented. a lot.
Let's just say that posters and thumbtacks are my friend!
Feels so good to be able to put my own touch on our house... it really is becoming our home!
Here you can start to get an idea of what it's looking like. Warm, soft, comforting. Doesn't it seem like a place you can linger in and talk and laugh! Yup, that's what I am going for!
I am so so so very happy with the results! Did I remember to take an "I'm done" photo? Nope. (not yet)
I went straight from painting the wall to painting the inner edges of the doorway and pass through edges.
And then right on to our 15 foot catherdral ceilings. I know, I know. I'm hogging all this painting for myself. (ya, right) The ceiling is getting a good two coats of ceiling white to increase the openess and light in the room. I am painting over the icky faded off white -- so nice to say good riddens to the dingy old color. It is already making the room so much cleaner!
I still have at least one more day of paining to finish the ceiling over the entryway and in front of the kitchen. The new countertop should be installed this week -- wait till you see what we designed! I also still have to clean the room from top to bottom to erradicat spackle dust. The mister is painting the radiator covers and re-installing the molding.
And then I can put the living and dining rooms back together! Oh, and somewhere in there I get to shop for three bar stools to go with the new breakfast bar counter.
Can't wait to have my first sit and laughs at the hottest new eating spot on the block!!

Happy Moment #15: Left Over Tape Roll
A Friday ritual with Soulemama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary, happy moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments too!
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments too!
“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
~Omar Khayyam
Katie Dog Days - Snow Throw!
Yes, we had more snow today. I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking.
Just look at that perfect circle Katie created!
Uhhh hhh... ten more inches. sigh
I think that the Snow Throw should become a new winter Olympic sport.
Look at me get my Snow Throw on!!
...of course I still think Katie would take the gold... just look at her form!
Speaking of throwing... look how far the snow blower tosses!!!! That's a mighty machine!
I also think that Katie is trying her hand or nose rather at weather prediction.
If she emerges from her hole... and then gets scared then we will have six more months of winter, right?
I know we are all hoping for her to emerge and not see her shadow.
She should be coming out any minute now.
And there she is... a perfect example of groundhogdog.
It looks like the grounddog has in fact went back into her hole signaling the start of six more months of winter. You heard it here first. Don't shoot the messenger.
I kid, I kid.... at least I think I am kidding about the six more months part. Also, there really is no such thing as a grounddog. I made that up... snow delirium and all.
If we all think spring together do you think we could at least melt these icicles? Can't hurt to try, right?
Sending warm snugly thoughts your way after a long long doggy snow day!
Just look at that perfect circle Katie created!
Uhhh hhh... ten more inches. sigh
I think that the Snow Throw should become a new winter Olympic sport.
Look at me get my Snow Throw on!!
...of course I still think Katie would take the gold... just look at her form!
Speaking of throwing... look how far the snow blower tosses!!!! That's a mighty machine!
I also think that Katie is trying her hand or nose rather at weather prediction.
If she emerges from her hole... and then gets scared then we will have six more months of winter, right?
I know we are all hoping for her to emerge and not see her shadow.
She should be coming out any minute now.
And there she is... a perfect example of ground
It looks like the grounddog has in fact went back into her hole signaling the start of six more months of winter. You heard it here first. Don't shoot the messenger.
I kid, I kid.... at least I think I am kidding about the six more months part. Also, there really is no such thing as a grounddog. I made that up... snow delirium and all.
If we all think spring together do you think we could at least melt these icicles? Can't hurt to try, right?
Sending warm snugly thoughts your way after a long long doggy snow day!
No Progress for WIP Wednesday
This week is kicking my butt.
At this very moment we are mid snow storm/white out --- ugg!
and Mr. Happy is shopping for snow chains for the car....
It's a good thing I bought a daylight bulb in November. I have surrounded myself with plants, fake daylight, fabric, and soft fuzzy things (a.k.a. the dog) and the combo has been able to beat off the winter blahs up to the this point, but I need more uummpf as my Grandma would have said. More on that in a later post!
Ongoing Projects - Let's talk progress quilting-wise.
I did take a few steps forward which I posted about yesterday here.
Tulip Runner
*cricket, cricket*
Central Park Pin Wheels
Tiny bit of progress here. I have given in to adding a sort of background and decided the additional fabrics I pulled really will work. So, I rearranged the pin wheels on the design board and cut a bunch of squares and am now ready for another pin wheel assembly session (not tonight... maybe this weekend). And yes, I am really going to make you wait another week to show you.
You Can Sew-a-thon!
I really need to gather up materials for the first project (still a secret) and whip up a post to get us going, don't I? This will also have to wait till the weekend. Read the intro to this sewing together idea here.
------------In house project related news... lots of progress there!--------------
The ceilings are getting painted... the breakfast bar wall is primed.... Mr. Happy found me the perfect shade to paint the breakfast bar wall so it stands out a bunch... and we are nearly ready to have the new counter top installed.
Here is an updated picture of what will be the breakfast bar area. You can see the first part of the project here.
The project has been a ton of work so far, but I love it love it love it! At the same time it will be nice to put the house back together and make all that spackle dust scarce!!
Meanwhile, keep your chin up and keep beating off those winter blahs with the biggest stick you can find!
This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats
Total WiP's: 5 (with Sew-a-thon)
---Linking to W.I.P. Wednesday---
At this very moment we are mid snow storm/white out --- ugg!
and Mr. Happy is shopping for snow chains for the car....
It's a good thing I bought a daylight bulb in November. I have surrounded myself with plants, fake daylight, fabric, and soft fuzzy things (a.k.a. the dog) and the combo has been able to beat off the winter blahs up to the this point, but I need more uummpf as my Grandma would have said. More on that in a later post!
Ongoing Projects - Let's talk progress quilting-wise.
I did take a few steps forward which I posted about yesterday here.
X Marks the Spot
No progress. Shuffled the fabrics around again, but need to cut and haven't yet.Tulip Runner
*cricket, cricket*
Central Park Pin Wheels
Tiny bit of progress here. I have given in to adding a sort of background and decided the additional fabrics I pulled really will work. So, I rearranged the pin wheels on the design board and cut a bunch of squares and am now ready for another pin wheel assembly session (not tonight... maybe this weekend). And yes, I am really going to make you wait another week to show you.
You Can Sew-a-thon!
I really need to gather up materials for the first project (still a secret) and whip up a post to get us going, don't I? This will also have to wait till the weekend. Read the intro to this sewing together idea here.
------------In house project related news... lots of progress there!--------------
The ceilings are getting painted... the breakfast bar wall is primed.... Mr. Happy found me the perfect shade to paint the breakfast bar wall so it stands out a bunch... and we are nearly ready to have the new counter top installed.
Here is an updated picture of what will be the breakfast bar area. You can see the first part of the project here.
Meanwhile, keep your chin up and keep beating off those winter blahs with the biggest stick you can find!
This Week's Work in Progress (WiP) Stats
Last WiP Wednesday Total: 3 4 if you count Sew-a-thon
New Projects: 0
Finished Projects: 0New Projects: 0
Total WiP's: 5 (with Sew-a-thon)
---Linking to W.I.P. Wednesday---
Confetti Quilt is Nearing Complete
Do you remember the bead/button dilemma with Confetti quilt discussed last week here? (I previously showed you Confetting coming ALIVE here!)
Well, I went for it. I added beads. Lots of them. Beka, can't wait to hear what you think!!
Here are the results so far.
This is a shot of the whole 22 x 22 inch square. Looking nice and chaotic, yes?
A close up of some of the beading. I landed some on the negative space... and some right on the squares.
I also decided that since the quilting thread color matched the background so well... you can't really see it.
My remedy... this bright pink thread path and a bit of my hand quilting to fix 'er up!
Another from the top shot. I really enjoy the variety of beads, colors, shapes, and finishes. And it's also neat because I have lived with these beads easily close to 10 years.
And I feel like they finally have a purpose... a place to live... a place to shine!
So many of the beads have a story for me. They are an awesome reminder of near and dear memories from my single days!
Here is another look at the hand quilting. This is my first time trying it. I am finding it really soothing as I pick my path through all the bits and confetti squares.
The pink thread seems almost symbolic for my path through the chaos that is my life. How's that for deep?
Some really pretty beads, right?
And there you have it. I still need to finish the hand quilting. Add binding -- going to useMonkia's Monika's new binding tutorial to try a proper method. And I am still tempted to add a few more beads.
The next look should be at my first finished 'artistic quilt!'
---Linking to Fabric Tuesday and other awesome parties from my left bar---
Well, I went for it. I added beads. Lots of them. Beka, can't wait to hear what you think!!
Here are the results so far.
This is a shot of the whole 22 x 22 inch square. Looking nice and chaotic, yes?
A close up of some of the beading. I landed some on the negative space... and some right on the squares.
I also decided that since the quilting thread color matched the background so well... you can't really see it.
My remedy... this bright pink thread path and a bit of my hand quilting to fix 'er up!
Another from the top shot. I really enjoy the variety of beads, colors, shapes, and finishes. And it's also neat because I have lived with these beads easily close to 10 years.
And I feel like they finally have a purpose... a place to live... a place to shine!
So many of the beads have a story for me. They are an awesome reminder of near and dear memories from my single days!
Here is another look at the hand quilting. This is my first time trying it. I am finding it really soothing as I pick my path through all the bits and confetti squares.
The pink thread seems almost symbolic for my path through the chaos that is my life. How's that for deep?
Some really pretty beads, right?
And there you have it. I still need to finish the hand quilting. Add binding -- going to use
The next look should be at my first finished 'artistic quilt!'
---Linking to Fabric Tuesday and other awesome parties from my left bar---
Be My Valentine - Heart & Joke Origami Tutorial
Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to whip up a little origami project to say I love you!
Let's give it a try!
We will be making a cute little heart (with a pocket and flap) that you can write a joke on or tuck a love note or candy into!!
They would also make excellent party name cards, surprises in someones purse, briefcase, or lunch box... or how about putting one in your Love's coat pocket, car, or winter hat?
They would also make excellent party name cards, surprises in someones purse, briefcase, or lunch box... or how about putting one in your Love's coat pocket, car, or winter hat?
Let's give it a try!
Step one. Start with a square piece of paper -- pretty side up. I used a 6 x 6 inch in the demo and the heart shrank to about 3 inches tall; which was a perfect hand size for me.
Step five and six. Fold the bottom edge up to the top (left pic). Then fold the left edge over to the right edge (right pic).
Step six. Flip your piece of paper back over so that the pretty side faces down. In this step, you are looking for the square that was made from the folding outlines. See how the folds sectioned the paper into fourths below.
Step seven. Here you want to pull the paper in behind that square we found in the last step. See how part of the paper gets tucked in behind the square.
You'll know you have it right when you now are holding a square 1/4 the size of the original piece of paper with the pretty side tucked inside the square. (Yes, I switched my demo origami paper in between steps, ha!)
Step eight. Turn your square so that the open flap part is now at the top of the square. Lika so...
Step nine and ten. Take one of the arms from the top and fold it down to the bottom point (left pic) -- which should now also show off that amazing color in the middle! Now, flip the square over and repeat the same thing here... pull the arm down to the bottom point (right pic).
REPEAT Step thirteen to create the right bump.
Step fifteen. a.k.a. - the other easiest step! Check out the pocket (left pic) and heart flap (right pic).
1. Put goodies in the pocket!!
I have to admit not a lot fits in the pocket, but part of the fun is trying different things!
In this one, I wrote a name on the front and then tucked a joke in the pocket.
NOTE: When writing on the front, using permanent maker, expect bleed through! I put a folded piece of scrap paper in the flap while I wrote on the front to prevent this.
Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: I'm stuck on you.
Q: What happens when you fall in love with a French chef?
A: You get buttered up.
Q: What is a vampire's sweetheart called?
A: His ghoul-friend.
Q: What do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day?
A: Hogs and kisses!
3. And why stop there when you can use sappy Knock Knock jokes!!
Hope you enjoyed making your own origami hearts as much as I did!!
Step two and three. Take the bottom left hand corner and bring it up to the upper right hand corner to make a diagonal fold (left pic). Next take the bottom right hand corner and bring it to the upper left hand corner (right pic).
Step four. Unfold the square you will notice you have two diagonal lines making a big X on your paper!
Step five and six. Fold the bottom edge up to the top (left pic). Then fold the left edge over to the right edge (right pic).
Step seven. Unfold the square and you will be left with the original paper with lines across, and up and down.
Step six. Flip your piece of paper back over so that the pretty side faces down. In this step, you are looking for the square that was made from the folding outlines. See how the folds sectioned the paper into fourths below.
Step seven. Here you want to pull the paper in behind that square we found in the last step. See how part of the paper gets tucked in behind the square.
You'll know you have it right when you now are holding a square 1/4 the size of the original piece of paper with the pretty side tucked inside the square. (Yes, I switched my demo origami paper in between steps, ha!)
Step eight. Turn your square so that the open flap part is now at the top of the square. Lika so...
Step nine and ten. Take one of the arms from the top and fold it down to the bottom point (left pic) -- which should now also show off that amazing color in the middle! Now, flip the square over and repeat the same thing here... pull the arm down to the bottom point (right pic).
Step eleven. At the new top now you can see there is a split between what could be two antennae; grab the left antennae (left pic) and pull it down past the half way a bit and on an angle to form the top bump of the heart. Yes, it's ok to be artsy here... many angles will work and you just want to make sure you pull enough down that you can tuck the antennae into the pocket in the middle.

Step twelve. When you get you top bump looking like you like it... then press to create a fold and tuck that little flap in.
REPEAT Step thirteen to create the right bump.
Step fourteen. a.k.a - the easiest step. Admire the artistic folding job you have done so far and flip the heart over. (pic shows the 'backside' of the heart with the flaps tucked in)
Step fifteen. a.k.a. - the other easiest step! Check out the pocket (left pic) and heart flap (right pic).
Step sixteen. Proceed to play!!! Here are some of the things you can do with your new Valentine or any lovey-time heart...
1. Put goodies in the pocket!!
I have to admit not a lot fits in the pocket, but part of the fun is trying different things!
In this one, I wrote a name on the front and then tucked a joke in the pocket.
NOTE: When writing on the front, using permanent maker, expect bleed through! I put a folded piece of scrap paper in the flap while I wrote on the front to prevent this.
For the joke I found this free printable Disney joke sheet which was easy to print and cut apart!
Funny, funny stuff!!
I also wrote a cute little something under the flap... reminder... Katie is my sweet almost four year old golden retriever "puppy!!"
2. Write a joke right on the front of the heart with the answer hidden in the flap!!
Q: "What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day?"
Q: "What did the caveman give his wife for Valentine's Day?"
Here are some other jokes I found in a quick search...
go ahead...
laughing at corny jokes is good wholesome happiness!
Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: I'm stuck on you.
Q: What happens when you fall in love with a French chef?
A: You get buttered up.
Q: What is a vampire's sweetheart called?
A: His ghoul-friend.
Q: What do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day?
A: Hogs and kisses!
3. And why stop there when you can use sappy Knock Knock jokes!!
You're going to love this one!!
Get it? Hahahahaha!!
Yes, I have had a ton of fun making these up!
Yes, I have had a ton of fun making these up!
--------------------And, Mr. Happy this one's for you love!----------------------
Q: "What did one light bulb say to the other?"
Hope you enjoyed making your own origami hearts as much as I did!!
Perhaps you would to try another origami?
Origami Pine Trees
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